
I love how you assume you’re entitled to an answer. It’s like you never engage with others as though you are equal to them - you assume some special status that lets you demand things like that. It’s very gross behaviour from an adult, and I'm way past it. Bye Felicia.

I reject the premise of your question - there is nothing about the very very optional nature of this assignment (and indeed the entire course) that screams “power” to me. There is no power in offering multiple opportunities to avoid having to do something. The presumption that all nudity is sexual - a presumption that

If you choose to take a performance art elective, and you can’t perform emotional nakedness well enough, you deserve to fail. Pretty simple.

I presume it's a coed course though, right?

That's a really great way of putting it. I don't know why it should be such a mystery as to the difference between cross dressing as a fetish and actually living as trans. I think some people want it to be more complicated than it actually is because it helps continue to set us apart from cis women in some way...

By that measure, commenting on the internet is a sport. Someone sitting, relying on their reflexes (to rapidly dispute an internet stranger’s opinion!)...

Kat this is an awesome article and should really be required reading for anyone going for their LGBTQ-ally card

Yeah! I was reading about that and the article was acting like it was such a positive portrayal - I mean, I is definitely awesome to see the LGBTQ community in comics gain a new (old) member, but if my ‘friend’ read my mind and insisted on defining a part of my identity I would be really upset.

It seems like it should be basic material, but you’d be surprised!

good food, wide seats, clean restrooms, and safe for kids- all unavailable anywhere in the EPL, for one

Why thank you :)

Mind. Blown.

If there’s any world in which you would choose to be a TERF, I want nothing to do with you as a person. That’s awful. “Erasure” of cis women, for fucks sake.

As someone who also travels for her job, I know exactly what you mean!

That’s the problem with the Golden Rule: it should be “do unto others as they would have you do unto them”. You most certainly do get to tell me how to view you - we can define our identities how we wish, and respecting others by treating them as they would like to be treated - not how you would want to be treated -

Expecting people to see you as 100% female when you were born with male genitals is unrealistic.

Being transgender is not the same as being an expat. How dare you. I’m done with you.

Thanks for the condescension. I appreciate that when I presented a lived experience that differed from your preconception and, frankly, showed you up, you decided to demean my tone instead of my identity. I prefer it, personally.

No, I’m here to tell that it is an impossibly consequential thing to me. Have you felt the hollow, empty feeling in your chest that comes from knowing that 22 years of your life, that you will never get back, were wasted because of one simple chromosome? Have you ever wanted to kill yourself or take a knife to your

Game, set and match, beets.