
If someone was raised as a boy despite knowing they were trans, they may have been treated like a boy, but they certainly didn’t feel like one. Do you not see why it would be upsetting to say to someone “you lost the childhood and adolescence you should have had because you were born in the wrong body, therefore I

What a shock.

It’s also a thing that becomes radically important once child-having comes into it. The world gets downright violent when it comes to ownership of your body, person, and life as soon as you turn up pregnant. I see nothing wrong with recognizing the common experience of women who’ve been through this — which is most of

72 stars in under an hour. I’m surprised it’s not more.

A bit of a simplification, but yes, basically that.

Yes, the whole “there’s no ban, but if you respect us you’ll know you aren’t welcome” is, if anything, more offensive to me than if they’d made “Assigned-female-at-birth only” a hard-and-fast rule.

Brava, Cassiebear!

a bit like how a psychiatrist can tell if someone is “acting” mentally ill or not.

"Astonishing As" [sic]

And before you ask or anything, my brother is a cop, so most times I'm siding with them.

Then the answer is probably to help cops be less paranoid, perhaps by dismantling the false perception that everyone is out to get them. They could help themselves by, you know, not making everyone distrust and despise them.

If you had to choose between being a cop or a landscaper, are you telling me you would rather be a cop because it's a safer occupation? Come on.

So when these landscapers hop aboard the truck loaded with sharpish stuff and head out to mow lawns in suburbia neighborhoods where people can afford to hand off yard maintenance to these ninja like dare Devils, they'rer in more danger than obviously marked police officers that are called to the scene when some

Blackface isn’t cool, Drew.

Probably not as unhealthy as 8 year olds in Texas dedicating their entire lives to pee-wee footbaw. At least from a head-trauma point of view.

Bat technology has reached its peak. The next great leap forward will be with baseballs.

“Not me”

At his size, he qualifies as a plural.

Then take it up with Jezebel for running the story, not meltca for simply (and rightly, imo) pointing out that there’s no moral high ground in threatening people you don’t like. This is a comments section, not Headline News.

That’s reductive to the extreme and you know it. If you were 100% sure you’re right, you wouldn’t feel the need to misrepresent his/her argument to refute it.