
Yeah, but he's never scored in the EPL, so he can't be that good.

But it's actually very popular with our audience and readers

So whose duty is is to report a pregnancy to the state? If the parent(s) don't want to report it, will you legally oblige others to notify the government? Since this is a proactive endeavour, will parents have to report a female child's first menses to indicate fertility? Will women have a duty to check in each

But I can have as many human kids as I want. I can treat them like shit, leave them in cars, let them have access to guns that they can take to school and cause harm. All this is my "right."

What, pray tell, are the two 'upsets' you're referring to? Because it looks to me like the last 8 teams standing are teams that everyone who actually follows the game knew had a good chance of getting to the quarters.

You aren't entitled to comfort in public. You're entitled to safety and freedom from harassment (which has always been the case), but you can't say certain people can't practice free speech in a public place because you disagree with them.

There are plenty of places in this country where you're not allowed to say whatever you want whenever you want without being removed by security or police.


Yeah, I didn't see a "Marissa Alexander Fires Gun at Child" headline.

I love how you've also completely ignored the female victim of Solo's aggression. Way to minimize the impact of domestic violence on a woman., I'm sure she appreciates it.

If it's my BB gun and I know it's broken.

You realise that you're verging on parody here, right? Like...just ready-made stuff for reddit and MRAs to quote that makes every other feminist look bad, right?

So if I follow you on Twitter, that means you're not allowed to post anything negative about the Eagles because it might upset me? That's a pretty ass-backwards view of how Twitter works.

Are Americans so petty that they'd directly harm the livelihood of someone over a sports preference?

Yeah, and is 5,500 miles away from Morocco. They have about as much in common as Portugal and Latvia.

If he was a real tough guy, he woulda played out the rest of the game.

Is what 7-11 sells even technically "food"? I mean...if you consumed it, it would probably give you at least one nutrient and maybe stave off death by hunger for a few hours, but is that enough to be considered "food"? Is there a qualitative aspect here that petrochemical-cheese-product and twig-like "taquitos" just