
Okay, but if no one can use racial slurs regardless of the context, even if the context is part of the public discourse around the appropriateness of such terms, why do you feel comfortable typing out "R*****n" on an internet messageboard, but object to a well-known social and political commenter and noted (to say

Pretty spectacular how it's never okay to speak on behalf of a whole group on a social issue (according to Twitter social justice berzerkers), except when it's Suey Park shouting about how something is offensive to all Asians - then it's okay. I wonder if she bothered to consult any other people of Asian heritage

But why did a story about Native Americans have to become about people of Asian heritage? Suey Park missed the intersectional forest for the sanctimony trees - Colbert has with one joke done more to point out the fucked-up-ness of the Washington team name than she has in her entire activist lifetime, but she's

Considering you've used three racial slurs in the space of two comments here, I don't think you should be criticising.

Bigger fish to fry.

But really, those hapless micks will just pop out a dozen more. Catholics, amirite?

If you want to say that the joke doesn't work in pieces? Don't fucking tweet that shit!

We're not even in April yet, and we have a winner for COTY 2014. Just spectacular.

They might not call themselves rapists, but they understand that they're violating someone's boundary, and very frequently take a lot of glee in it.

The pictures on that Capri-Sun facebook page just made me feel all itchy. I am NEVER giving my kids that stuff after seeing that.


Still not funny. Punching downwards to someone less empowered for the sake of a joke isn't funny or clever - it's mean. No one thought it was funny when a 9-year-old was called a "c*nt" last year, even though it was quite clearly a "joke" - this isn't funny either.

Yeah, if you have to "punch downwards" to make a joke, you probably shouldn't. It's just really rude. I wish Madeleine would deign to respond to maybe clarify why she's decided to pick on an old woman, but we both know that Jez authors don't roll like that.

Thank you. She wouldn't have written "I wanted to loudly heckle the real-life Solomon Northrup" (if he were still alive), so I don't see why it being a film that most people don't know about suddenly makes it funny.

Being a "joke" doesn't excuse it from being rude and unjustified. It just makes it a rude and unjustified "joke". Replace "Philomena" with "Schindler" or "Solomon" and see if it's still funny.

Also, I wanted to loudly heckle the real life Philomena.

I know this isn't Deadspin, but that deserves a "+1"

I'd say not learning the words as written is pretty disrespectful to the playwright.

Can you explain why "trans person" is okay, and "tranny" is not?