
It seems like the abusers in this case are the ones exploiting the distinctions between online (anonymous) and "real world" (where words tend to have consequences). This policy is making it harder to exploit that difference, which is a good thing for anyone who wants the internet to be an open and democratic resource.

Criado-Perez successfully petitioned to get Jane Austen on the one-pound note

as a Jewish person, you should be very sensitive to that - where your folks came from over in Europe, it wasn't like that

And the newest flavour, "consent-zero"

Just throw the pan under the broiler for 3 minutes after the bottom and edges are set. It cooks the top, and makes the cheese go all bubbly and melty and awesome.

Oof. Attacked him like some shifty goodfornoting holocaust survivor. You go gurl.

I mean, I get what your saying, but based on the past few years, I'd say that US citizens deserve exactly what they've been asking for. Even Obamacare, the toothless non-reform that it is, couldn't be passed without a Republican shitstorm at every turn, and during the run-up to the last election any discussion of

Preach! It was a nice counterpoint yesterday to Cameron's announcement that we are now an internet-nanny state.

You stand up for yourself! There is nothing wrong with being in an LDR, and people shouldn't be telling other people what their relationships are like based on some silly criteria like "distance". Plenty of people who live together have crappy relationships, and plenty of people doing the long-distance thing (such

Seriously, LDRs are so popular now because of social media, but they are not and will never be real relationships.

I met the woman-who-I-will-one-day-marry almost four years ago, and I spend two years essentially squatting in her college single dorm because I couldn't afford the housing fees at our school. We lived in a 6'x12' room with a single bed, desk and wardrobe for two years, seeing the best and worst of each other, and at

We are not afraid of [knowledge] ourselves. No man thinks his morality will suffer by it. Each feels certain that his virtue can stand any degree of knowledge. And is it not the height of egregious presumption in each to imagine that his neighbour is so much weaker than himself, and requires a bandage which he can do

The idea of an impartial head of state separate from government is appealing to a lot of us Brits. Having a national figure who is in the job for life, rather than elected or appointed, gives a sense of long-term stability that mitigates some of the political tensions between the various segments of society, such as

Some of us like our traditions, particularly when they are harmless to society and aid the stability of government.

Not the victims, only those "suspicious" survivors. "What did they do that they’re not talking about?"

That's the article I had in mind when I commented! It's one thing to acknowledge that past experiences may have led one to feel prejudiced towards a group, but another thing entirely to use those experiences as a blind justification for hating an entire group of people. At least the bloke in AC admitted that his

No. It is not acceptable when you are a (presumably) paid writer to apply your issues with one or a handful of individuals to a social group as a whole. This article, and your defence of it, is basically saying that because one person has wronged you in the past, it is okay to be naturally suspicious and hateful of

Seconded. I would like Jezebel to actually address the concern of its readers on this issue, and not just dismiss criticism into the greys.

What did I just read? Oh dear God. Talk about victim-blaming mixed with unresolved personal issues. Thanks for pointing this out.

This. Arguments about foetal viability, life-at-conception, etc. only emerged AFTER Roe v. Wade and were developed by the Christian Right specifically as a way of gaining sympathy for their position, which was founded upon a fear of female sexual freedom and the erosion of "family values". It's a perfect case study