"one in the same"
"one in the same"
Is it possible that perfect equity (unachievable even with the current cis-gendered restrictions) in middle school sports may be something worth giving up so that a whole group of human beings can be granted their civil rights and have normal and happy lives? Or do you take athletic competition between 11-14 year…
Sex and gender are two very different and unrelated concepts, friend. Do you know what the difference is?
Considering 99.3 percent of Egyptian women reported receiving some form of sexual assault or harassment, I don't think we should shy away from saying that Egyptian society has an endemic problem with the way it treats its female members. It is not alone in this regard, and such problems exist to a lesser or greater…
According to CNN, an MB-aligned preacher has publicly declared that women protesting in Tahrir Square "have no shame and want to be raped", and stated that female protesters should stay at home because protesting is "not feminist". It is pretty clear that raping and assaulting women, including the targeting of foreign…
Just another in the long line of GOP attempts to dress up sexually repressive laws in the guise of the social good. We saw this with abstinence-only sex ed, we saw it with arguments against the decision in Lawrence v. Texas. We saw it in goddamn 1873 with the Comstock Laws. What Cuccinelli refers to as a "natural…
Thanks for the reading recommendations! You finally contributed something truly useful. I'm already very familiar with the Kozol, West, Alexander, and Zinn works, but I'll give the others a read. Thanks!
You claim my original argument contains a fallacy, but you haven't explained why. That was all I asked for in my original reply to you, and something you have continued to avoid. I don't know how many more times I can ask for an intelligent contribution from you, so I'm going to disengage from this particular…
I expect civility, not unnecessarily inflammatory language, from someone attempting to make an argument. I hold everyone, including myself to that standard, be the language racist, sexist, ableist, jingoistic, or just plane rude. I don't make demands of others, as the internet is a 'free country' so to speak, but…
I am hoping the line of enquiry will help the original commenter understand my position that using racially-derogatory language in an argument against the use of racially-derogatory language undermines his/her point, and in highlighting this allow him/her to put forth a more effective argument that isn't undermined by…
Again, personal attacks are not the same as logical reasoning. I've made several pleas for you to engage in a proper discussion of the topic at hand, but you engaged me with the sole intent of being a bully. I'm sorry I didn't play along and devolve this thread into name-calling and had expectations of civility and…
I understand fully the subtle differences between these two words and their related histories, and nowhere did I indicated that I believed them to be one and the same. Once again, reading is fundamental, and if you re-read my original comments you'll see that I am merely protesting the use of a racial slur in an…
I'm sorry if I don't lose too much sleep because of your comments. It's easy to call someone bigoted without backing it up with any sort of argument, and it's just as easy for me to dismiss it. Strangely, I know myself well enough that your simple argument by way of pronouncement doesn't really concern me, whereas…
No, actually, I'm not. I'm merely pointing out that if one is attempting to argue against the use of a term one views as racially-pejorative, then one probably should not use a racially-pejorative term when making one's argument. Please re-read my comments, as you seem to have made a few key errors in your reading…
**Flippant, non-constructive response alert**
There is grunting as a natural exhalation in the course of proper breathing (such as in karate and other martial arts, in which doing so is considered proper technique), and the extended grunting as demonstrated by Azarenka and Sharapova on the women's side, and Djokovic and Ferrer on the men's. For them, the…
More like "FAT-sploitation"! Amirite?!?!?
Yes, and in parts of the South, "n*gg*r" is common slang, and is used in phrases such as "n*gg*r-rigging" (meaning hastily cobbled-together). If you want to take the moral high ground on terms you deem offensive, I don't think it is too much to ask that you don't undermine your own argument by using derogatory…
"Pale face"
Agreed. Thankfully public support for the royals seems to have gone up in recent years, and should continue to do so thanks to the Royal wee one on the way. I'm convinced it will be a girl, as it would be fitting that the first child born since the amendment of the succession laws would benefit from them.