I got Trump and Hathaway correct. Pretty sure that means I’m going to Hell or something.
I got Trump and Hathaway correct. Pretty sure that means I’m going to Hell or something.
This is rape.
This post was everything. It’s like you reached into my brain, grabbed all my thoughts, organized them into words instead of the grunts and sighs I was expressing, and placed them neatly on the internet to be read. I thank you. We all thank you.
Someone had to say it, and I’m glad it was you.
Don’t you hate when you come up with a clever tweet only to realize you spelled something wrong after you hit send?…
The best I can recall, Rusty had an issue with feminine rights. He was opposed to women having a say in anything.
But, no public outcry re: endemic violence on women? Lone white males who shoot up public spaces every couple days? White male serial killers? No? Still big scary black men are the problem? Oh, and sassy black women. And slutty women in general. Legal abortion, that’s our problem.
You never mentioned what she said.
The Great Wall of China, the Springfield interchange, and J. Hutch’s friend-zoned thirst.
Haven’t gotten blood on the wall. I do enjoy taking it out in the shower. I feel like Janet Leigh in Psycho. Or do I mean Norman Bates?
Nah, this is me asking myself if I should stop using Tampax but too scared of la diva cup. Do I go back to seventh grade giant maxipads? These are all my current queries.
It’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna go ahead and come out with it: I actually kind of love Kim Kardashian.
fuck yeah girl scouts and
If saying “you’re a pussy” and “fuck” as an employee of LSU is a fireable offense. the LSU Tigers are going to be in need of a shit ton of new football and basketball coaches.
#teamcat is pleased as punch.
Bigot tears are low-fat, low-carb, and alcohol free, so you are good. However, call a doctor if you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours.
Gus has plenty to share.