Laura Ingalls Gone Wilder

I like her recommendation, and I also appreciate that she acknowledged that while it's one quick and meaningful change, it doesn't solve all problems associated with women in entertainment. It's rare to find such thoughtful statements about gender issues in media.

I'm annoyed that there was nothing for fruitvale station and nothing for "crazy eyes" but I'm sure the HFPA looked at their list saw more than one black person and thought "we outdid ourselves this year!"

A bit put out that none of the supporting cast from Orange is the New Black got nominated for anything. Personally, I found most of them way more compelling than Schilling.

The worst part for me was when I ran out of wine.

Yup. It's all "hee hee" because his victims were Black girls. Who cares about them, right? If his victims were little blonde, blue-eyed "angels" the man would be reviled.

Couldn't agree more. My brother is a high school vice principal, and whenever he gets a whiff about child neglect or sexual assault he takes it seriously and does everything by the book, not because he's required by law, but because it's THE RIGHT FUCKING THING TO DO. I have no patience for school officials who try

Side-eyeing the race part, though.

Catholic school girl here! And though we were given sex ed, it was all roped into after vows were said and to be done once your ready to start a family lectures. It was never totted as being abstinent - just waiting till you were married. Then in 8th grade, they did a special 'girls only' lecture, where they talked

Ha, at my middle school in Northern Louisiana the girls were taken into one room to be taught about periods and what not by the biology teacher. I later found out that the boys were taken outside by the ancient P.E. coach, and that they spent their sessions discussing football. What could possibly go wrong with that

But how will you know how attractive you are if people don't tell you their opinions about your personal choices?

ALL THE WINS for this gif. All.the.wins.

What offended me most about that sentence was actually how he seems to place himself on the same level as Dodai, excepting that she is more "determined."

I love how he said that she was more determined and driven, but not more talented. I bet he thinks if those dastardly exams weren't happening then he could have totes written a better article.

You should respond by demanding he write a comprehensive meta analysis on the historical context of a white man appropriating the work of a black woman on white appropriation of black culture. Serve him right.

He clearly didn't have THIS assignment peer-reviewed at the writing center.

Not until I'm jetskiing in Barbados with Rihanna.

"My name is Ms. Stewart, not Ms. Dodai."

It should be noted that I wrote this piece as I sat one row behind Madeleine Albright on a train from NYC to DC today so I was especially inspired.

For what it's worth, I love Rebel. Go for it.