
People want a laissez-faire police dept, here it is... Criminals know they have the police by the balls now and are going to take advantage of it. Hard to be politically correct and courteous when you can die any day of the week. But people dont get it. 35 violent deaths in a month. You cannot put a leash on a police

People in Ferguson couldn’t get off their asses to vote more than 30% in the most recent election. Baltimore, well Baltimore is complicated.

Help me make sense of this. In Ferguson, one of the biggest complaints was that minorities weren’t represented. They had a white Mayor, Police Chief, etc. In Baltimore, the Mayor, Chief and Prosecutor are black. Where the fuck is the disconnect?

Transparency and Counterintelligence

Everyone isn't a potential rapist, rape is a lot more than simply bad behavior. Statistics place the number of male rapists at about 4-6 percent ( a huge number but hardly normative) and most of them will rape multiple times, averaging about 6 victims; this isn't a sort of behavior one just falls into but is rather

This whole article seems like a giant "all men are potential rapist" thing to me rather than an advice column.

I can't imagine what it must feel like to have one's own mother think of you as a potential must be emotionally devastating.

I grew up in a house with 2 brothers, no sisters, with my mother and father. For some reason it never needed explaining to us not to rape people or respect their personal boundaries. We had our own, didn't want people violating them so we in turn didn't violate others.

Choreplay is the idea that you can get a man to do more around the house by gifting him a little 'tang for his trouble