
Because tasers ALWAYS work. Because they won’t be dead before back up arrives. “Un-armed people” after their buddy takes their gun and runs off with it, sure.

Lol “Wire surveillance.” Right, like that worked then or now. And if they get out of the car now everyone is going to scream “police brutality” at the top of their lungs.

They didn’t. Tell me how the extremely high crime in Baltimore should be responded to by police with lollipops and bubble gum. They police the area as it is.

Are you kidding? Illinois vs Wardlow. The cops who arrested Gray did that exactly and now they are in jail.

No, you ignorant FOP fuckstick, they are not going to jail for following Illinois v. Wardlow (reasonable suspicion met when guy runs away from cops in a known drug area), they go to jail when they beat the fuck out of someone or when they cause a guy to end up with a severed spinal cord.

Lol 8 murders in Baltimore from April 13th to April 25th and you don’t give a damn about them. Just when you can complain about white people do you actually give a damn about anything.

Lol it already is. White’s commit crimes at 1/6th the rate of black people and even commit white on white crime 9% less than blacks do black on black.

So he isn’t allowed to have kids of his own? Women carry kids to term without the fathers consent all the time. Vergara doesn’t even have to do that, and she doesn’t have to be there for the kids, she wouldn’t be their mother.

Lol what “heaps of violence” on its citizens? Cops deal out less than 1% of the “violence” these people will face. This is like pointing to a cigarette fire and saying its a problem, meanwhile the house is burning down.

Lol where did you gather that bullshit? From some other “thinker” with nothing to do or show?

And how many white gun owners are committing crimes? Because statistically black people commit far more crime than white people.

The 16 year old kid was with his father, who was a certified terrorist. So, there is that.

Wait are you serious? You want the Peace Corp to really provide armed guards? So, so that people can volunteer to do charity work, the Peace Corp should shell out money to pay guards?

How? I always hear people say “they need to protect their volunteers,” how? Because it wouldn’t be legal to send armed guards with them. We can’t force foreign countries to follow US laws and procedures.

For what? Not providing armed guards with each volunteer? When you volunteer you are subject local laws and law enforcement.

Are you kidding? What do you wan the Peace Corp to do: send armed guards to protect them? The volunteers are in a foreign country subject to local laws and law enforcement. The Peace Corp can’t force them to follow US customs and laws.

What do you want them to do, send armed guards with its volunteers? The volunteers in in a foreign country where the US does not have the sovereignty to force our laws on them. Its up to local police and law.

So are these people just in denial that 50% ethnic v white is a much accurate reading of what life looks like in the US?

Lol notice how none of the stats you cited talk about the prevalence of rapists in a given population? It's about the percentage of people who are victims, nothing you just cited talks about who are the accused or the aggressor. Hah.