The Laughing Man

Thanks but I already escaped to the other coast.....

Look like a student and hang out at somewhere south and west of Central Ave in the evening. Or just take the shortcut and hang out at Lift which was opened by some hardcore evangelical christians as a christian hangout. Coffee depot used to be the worst for it 6-7 years ago but they went out of business.

I lived in Riverside for a decade and CBU is racist AF. There will be never be an expulsion for this because the school is at the heart of Trumps base. Maybe they’ll be forced to do community service, but just for the sake of PR. CBU students are the worst; they spend their free time proselytizing at local coffee

If my kid came home with this assignment I’d just send them back with a print out of this jon rosenberg cartoon....

I also dont think it counts as a Fat Guy Touchdown. I mean its not like it was a nose running it back

Having lived in Ithaca off and on for the last 17 years, this is exactly what I would imagine the assailant looking like. Cornell’s such a strange place, most of the campus is chill af (being part public helps alot), but then there is this 10-15% of campus that is old money, classist, and uber-racist and this kid

My brother is a bike mechanic in his off time from his real job. Back in the mid-90s one of his customers went out biking for a day and then needed to go pee. Being tired and dumb he decided step off the trail, whip his dick out and go without bothering to take his gloves off. He finishes up, continues on home, and it

Yeah Aventura and Monchy and Alexandra are the two groups that come to mind as having a lot of playtime 2009-2011 - I mean it never crossed over the way reggaeton did but it definitely had some top-40 air time. Aventura breaking up though really slowed its appeal.

Uhhhhh....Bachata crossed over circa 2009 and then Aventura broke up in 2011 and it kind of uncrossed over.

Yeah, this is exactly why Spencer is targeting Public Universities. Last year when Auburn tried to deny him from speaking on campus a federal judge stepped in and forced the university to allow him to speak anyways because the denial was solely predicated on his ideas. This year Auburn (again), Michigan State, and

Kim TallBear? Her book is excellent.

The US has 323 Million people; 66 million (roughly) voted for Clinton, 63 Million (roughly) voted for Trump and the other 194 million either voted for someone else, chose not to vote, or were too young. So in reality only 20% of the country voted Republican.

Bret Weinstein is the brother of Eric Weinstein, the guy who wrote the stupid tweet this article is about. Bret Weinstein has his own on-going diversity controversy going on. Looking at his publishing history, Bret Weinstein isn’t getting a job at another university any time soon.

He has citations (Motherboard just uploaded a full version), they just happen to be shit. Its a mix of news sources, libertarian opinion pieces, wikipedia pages, and a few cherry picked academic articles from socio-biology (an entire academic field that basically consists of the sexist and racist rejects and

Yeah, Heat St, Campus Reform, Breitbart all LOVE him because he’s their perfect martyr - a “liberal progressive” who was attacked by “SJW” campus culture, even though if you look at his past tweets and personal views they do not look progressive at all. He is basically roaming the alt-right press junket and using it

This dude not only works for Peter Thiel, he’s the brother of Bret Weinstein, the biology professor from Evergreen State who was surrounded by students who accused him of being racist because he fought against a bunch of diversity initiatives and programs at the college. Over the last three months both brothers have

Have you ever seen the Blade movies? In the 2nd or 3rd one they introduce a new kind of vampire that can unhinge their jaws to fit more of their prey in their mouth - basically the trump family all have the same trait which is why there faces are so much wider than a normal humans and why they look perpetually jacked.

Other articles have made it clear this isn’t a one person shop, it was a fairly large operation with multiple employees that could cover multiple events. Her business not only did the weddings but she would be doing engagement photos and rehearsals so it requires a pool of labor. She was also targeting the highest

Yes a squirrel can get rabies but its also super unlikely because they generally wouldn’t survive the process of contracting it (saying this as a member of a multi-veterinarian family, who has seen a whole bunch of cases of rabies growing up). He’s probably just an asshole squirrel.

Not really though. First through the whole narrative of Ares being the god of “truth” rather than war they establish that stories told about the gods probably are not wholly true and any creation myth is incomplete. Second by including Napi in the story they effectively open up the DC movie universe to having multiple