The Laughing Man

ummmm....They did mention the mindy project, in the paragraph right under the YouTube video.

They didn’t just create a new job for Crews, according to the local media the position is going to give him a raise. Video of the community meeting is scary as fuck; it was held in a Southern Baptist Church and they actually hold a prayer for Crews’ well-being while Ponder and her lawyer are forced to just stand on

I can see a strong equivalence between how I feel about Assange and how I feel about tuberculosis.

The Revolution play in a football stadium but Gillette, the Revs, and the Pats are all owned by the Krafts.

I agree, but I also find it to be a problematic critique because its still the beginning of the story (like literally they are only about 20% of the way through the book). The audience just needs to be patient and let him develop naturally. His agency as a protagonist is coming, if they sped it along it would only

Fuller has said that Lakeside is going to be one of the focal points of next season. I think in terms of the narrative the Lakeside arc is critical since that is where Shadow really begins to grow and have agency within the story. The finale kind of sets it up perfectly since he’s finally acknowledging the power of

Bull fighting is effectively outlawed in Ecuador now. In 2011 they passed a referendum banning the killing of bulls in the ring, which basically ended it as a national tradition. The largest bull ring in the country is now a concert space.

.... while calling out his own name

NYT just published this take on the situation

Normally its a two part school sanctioned event - first the day of absence where students of color leave campus and have seminars where they can talk about their experiences, while white students have the same kinds of events on campus. The students of color leave to show how integral they are to the college. Then

The whole thing is not being explained well by the media. The school has had a bunch of mini-incidents this year that culminated in these protests. Weinstein had two different issues this year with emails about race and diversity issues on campus; in the fall he wrote an email on the faculty list-serve criticizing a

The Walker purchased the piece after it was displayed in Scotland and the held it in storage for 3-4 years until the reopening of the sculpture park, so they owned the actual structure, while Durant kept the intellectual property rights. Burning it is a fitting end as it prevents the Walker from cashing in and

They went to school at Penn State not Penn, no Wall Street firms would’ve given the a look to start with. They were destined to be accountants and the lowest tier of marketing and sales, not high finance.

It’s really hard to completely ban a frat; if a school, especially a public university, tries to stop students from joining an organization (even if it’s banned by the college) it can be interpreted as a violation of the students’ right to free association. That’s why bans usually take the form of just preventing

Why desecrate an archeological wonder we could just bury him under a giant mound of shit? It’d be more fitting.

I’m pretty sure a pulse isn’t a prerequisite for him - he kind of has a mortician/necrophiliac vibe.

Well at the start of the season probably a 5, at the end of the season a 10 for most people, unless your the Man in Black, then its a 1

For the most part it’s man vs. man. It focuses on the alien collaborators hunting down rebels and trying to control the rest of the public. What’s nice is that it has some nuance; some collaborators have little choice but to work with the aliens because of threats to their family (and even though their sympathies

If you watch the documentary he actually digs himself some new holes. He still claims the victim was dealing drugs (even though Bliss made it up to cover his own ass), they catch Bliss on tape lying about when he knew about threats made against the victim (he claims he didn’t know until after the investigation but