The Laughing Man

Its all the same company - Hulu and FX are both owned by Disney.

They started shooting Mando S3 last week and have been in pre-production for a bit already.

I tried Target, Walmart, Amazon, Microsoft, and BestBuy. Target kept putting it in my cart and then wouldn’t process payment, and then they would remove it. At about 1153 Amazon started magically working and I got one.

I tried Target, Walmart, Amazon, Microsoft, and BestBuy. Target kept putting it in my cart and then wouldn’t process

He’s a billionaire investment banker but identifies as left. His actually investment practices and politics are really inconsistent - says he supports community banking but made most of his money off of managing funds for ultra high wealth individuals; avid environmentalist and anti- Keystone pipeline but he’s got

It’s where your mom goes shopping on line after watching HGTV to buy cheaply made home furnishings that make her house look like the house of everyone else watching HGTV.

The NBA just banned him for the rest of the playoffs and all of next season and they fined him $500k

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New Combo Chimbita album came out today and its perfect....

Donald Trump, nothing is going to have the universally negative impact on the the planet that his presidency will have

Some part of me thinks this is just a conspiracy to try to get him to keep his shirt on in his videos and live performances.

The more interesting version of the War of the Worlds panic is what happened in 1949 when they did this in Quito, Ecuador.  People seriously fell for it when they found out it was a hoax a mob burned down the station broadcasting it - Radio Quito - killing six people.  The capital firefighters and the Red Cross

When healthy he’s really good. Last season showed that. The problem is he’s never fully recovered from his knee injury from 2017 but throughout 2018 he’s had these random clutch moments like this at bat.

No the franchise tag is an average of the five highest contracts at his position.

This reminded me of the worst thing I ever saw in high school sports 20 or so years ago. My high school soccer team had an annual scrimmage against a much bigger school before the season began every year. It was generally a massacre but my freshman year we were up by one goal with only a few minutes left. But then

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Testicular Torsion? Venture Bros has you covered

Yeah people also gotta remember that post WW2 Germany ended up with some of the most open and flexible immigration laws in Europe (until recently). It might be the safest place for a black person in Europe right now.

Now I kinda want to curate a Soundtrack to Gentrification playlist so I can identify shitty people. Start of w/ Kanye, followed by Taylor Swift, then who?...

So he’s got the power of Thanos and the eyesight of Mr Magoo?

Same basic shit happened in Riverside CA this week - some nazi shit head decided to start harassing a Muslim women in a Coffee Bean. Thankfully the other customers started yelling at him and then the supervisor refused to serve him because he was a racist douche.

This really needs to go up as part of the official header of The Root