Latverian Diplomat

I thought bottled water was about pumping it out of the ground where it's needed and selling it in bottles elsewhere to people who already have plenty of potable water?

It's an interesting story, but the McGuffin is terrible, Water is among the most abundant substances in the universe. Hard to believe the aliens couldn't get some in their own solar system far more easily than coming to Earth and back for it.

What a relief. This means SNL Family Feud parodies will remain fresh and on target.

Yeah, or (for this video at least) it's just fake.

Levitation using magnets and superconductors is well understood, but they have to be separate pieces pushing on each other. There's no way to use that create a board that hovers above ordinary concrete as shown.

Jeff Davis was born in Kentucky.

Was it the Kentucky Statehouse? I think that particular one is right next to a statue of that other son of Kentucky, Abe Lincoln.

I don't think it's great, like I said, I think contracts like that should be illegal.

Yes, I am quite confident this guy's Taylor Swift pictures are worth more money because Taylor Swift is in them. Funny how that works.

I would fully support him asking for pay with benefits. I don't think contracts like this should be legal, but they are. And he can't get better terms because there are dozens of people who can and would do what he does if they had the chance.

Every time, ever again.

They're not. This guy is just pissed because he's a camera jockey who works for hire, while considering himself an artist who should own his "creations" (i.e., that one time he had the camera pointed in the right direction at just the right time).

I think you've got cause and effect out of order there.

Next Step crossovers: Paranormal Activity: Jason Takes Your Videocamera (and beats you to death with it).

The "other" evolution guy, Alfred Russell Wallace actually was an adventurer.

Surtr was throwing down against Frey, not the Frost Giants. Next.

I don't mind more projects, since the alternative outlets seem to buy shorter seasons. Even the best Network shows can't do a 22+ episode season without several duds, at least some aimless padding.

Did they ever get around to giving all six daughters different personalities?

They don't really take them up the mountain. It's just an incredibly realistic holodeck simulation.

Star Wars: I'll be Here, Hiding Near Darth Vader's Relatives