Latverian Diplomat

"I think my proactive insights into paradigms, well, have a great deal of validity!"

The A.V. Club: I meant to do that!

The first Avengers gives Mark Ruffalo a line that the last time he was in New York he "broke Harlem" which is also a clear reference to The Incredible Hulk. The best we can do is imagine that we saw a cheap knock off instead of the amazing genuine version featuring Mark Ruffalo :)

The problem is, that it lacks precision. For many people, "The dial up modem era" started before Flashdance. To me, the "evocative" phrase means nothing.

The charter school movement liked it…

from Flashdance to the dial-up modem days

FWIW, they did have a trade network. The Romans were nuts for black pepper.

See also, SS-GB.

Oddly enough, Sam Houston, despite being a slave owner himself, opposed secession. Probably because he had fought so hard to get Texas into the Union in the first place. I think a lot of Texans don't understand their own history.

Who is to say this will be a sympathetic view of the Confederacy.

Wrt Europeans pouncing on the fragmented US, Umm, not really?

Both obituaries and click bait tend to overpraise their subjects? Put them together and?

Doctor, not cop, but in other respects, well….

Public executions are not something we've had in a long time. Even if your 99/1 figure was correct, that's still millions of people who would oppose it. They could do much better than occasional protests outside, if they wanted to fuck things up.

Thanks, I concede that it does seem more plausible these days (though not without protests, thankfully, which was my original point).

Even sincere believers give in to temptation. It's part of the human condition.

I think you are a bit naive about how many clergy, including Catholic Priests bang parishioners.

China liked it. Something something one billion people can't be wrong something?

FWIW, Green Arrow did have Slingshot, for that logical bow vs sling showdown.

"I'm Ron Howard. You may remember from such bad boy movies as Eat My Dust and Grand Theft Auto. No, seriously, do you remember those? Please say you remember those…"