

Also, “sucked into the vacuum of space” still sounds pretty dead, but we grant that it’s less certain than what’s depicted in the film.


Well done, I literally lol’d. 

It took way too long to get to this post but I am so glad it’s here. 

Hey! Wait! I filed a dumb complaint.”

I guess the first scene in “Eternals 2" will now involve Druig being attacked by a wampa.

That story doesn’t track either because no one in Ireland is ever embarrassed about being too drunk

Obviously, it should be America’s favorite game show host

It’s all right. He didn’t change a twitter avatar or go to a pageant in 1990s founded eighty years ago by a racist, so AVC’s cool with it.

So, which sort of biopic is it going to be? Honest and interrogative of who the man was (hey, remember that time he ripped off the composer of the theme song to Star Trek, taking half of the royalties the man had rightfully earned with his amazing song, by writing never-to-be-used lyrics for it?), or a puff piece that

You buried the lede!

“It’s a 1,000-year chess game between Hari Seldon and the Empire...”

“So why didn’t you stop Gary Glitter?”

Whenever John Lovitz not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, “Where’s John Lovitz?”

damn... that’s absofuckinglutely right. Have the stones to pull the move Defector did. 

I just love that it took three people to write this script.

He was talking about the fucking logistics of the release, being an experiment. Nothing the fuck at all about the movie being the first Asian MCU movie or whatever the fuck Liu started into. Holy shit.

One thing Brubaker mentions is that his Marvel work has drawn eyes to his creator-owned work, which is where he makes actual money. And I just want to recommend people buy basically every thing he has written, especially when Sean Phillips is his artist, because Sleeper, Criminal, Fatale, and Reckless are all