
I saw him one rainy night in the pasta section of a mostly deserted Gourmet Garage muttering to himself. It's my favorite celebrity sighting followed by a hung over Jonathan Pryce in a Dean and Deluca.

Stupid allergies clogging up my eyes so I can barely read that.

Could have at least included a nod to F. Scott Fitzgerald's story Bernice Bobs Her Hair.

I think it's because of hotshot chefs using the knife on TV and people think they can be a chef at home forgetting chefs injure themselves all the time and just show injuries proudly.

I think they're using the chef's knife to remove the pit and that's probably why they're getting injured. Trying to get the chef's knife into the pit and then twist it out and then remove the pit from the knife is just a recipe for disaster which is why I use my fingers to remove the pit. Not so I can then lick all

There was an article I think in The Atlantic about how conservative speakers specifically choose what they perceive as bastions of liberalism to speak because they know it will stir up controversy. These same speakers actually rarely speak at traditional conservative institutions. I find it interesting she cancels

When I first saw the headline I thought it said Michelle Williams and I was going to recommend she have a chat with Joseph Fiennes. Now I know I just need to get my eyes checked.

Should be interesting. Casting the right Lila will be key.

"The leaks are real, the news is fake." Still trying to figure that one out. It means the leaks are ok right?

Squeee! Excited to see that Judy Davis is in this, too.

My 13 year old is going to be devastated. She spent a good deal of last year watching The Dick Van Dyke show and the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Yes, when you have an only child you can make them a walking encyclopedia of obscure (for their generation) cultural references.

It's true. At least my dictionary does along with showing a picture of Pete Campbell under the work schmuck.

I agree it's odd. It's not something I expected to happen as I like the band quite a bit. I wasn't looking for a reason not to like them. But I found it a little off putting and it made me wonder if they weren't just a bunch of pretentious gits. I will say them improvising on an Outfield song later in the show helped

He made the band stop playing the song until everyone stopped jumping around and dancing and asked if we realized what the song was about. Maybe it was before he realized it was a song that people were just going to dance to regardless. But we had to basically stand still for the rest of the song. It was kind of odd.

I've never felt the same about The Decemberists after Colin Meloy yelled at people who were dancing to "The Mariner's Revenge Song" at a show telling them they weren't taking it seriously enough. Now this news may affect how I feel about Lin Manuel Miranda by association.

I like Ferrante's books and didn't really care one way or the other about knowing who she really was. Personal lives of authors rarely sway me to read a book.

When I saw there was a trailer for 50 Shades of Darker I just assumed it was a Funny or Die video where 50 Shades of Grey takes place in an underlit set. Now that I've seen this, I'm going to go back to thinking that's what it is.

You are Number Two.

Heaven knows we're miserable now.

Well I now have a map for my next vacation.