
Please let me know when they create a fan video of all the "Previously on The Thaw's" put together. In hindsight, it's the thing I miss the most about Man Men.

There's a great Will Self piece where he's complaining about hotel reading lamps and how soon the bible in hotel rooms will be replaced by an audio version of Brian Blessed shouting it. I keep hoping this will come into being.

As much as I like Missy, I realized about halfway through the episode she's just Evil River Song. Or maybe River Song was just the Good Master female version.

As much as I love Colin Firth, this really should have ended with Mr. Darcy's head exploding. While I don't consider it a great job internet, you should do whatever you think is best.

Is it raining? I hadn't noticed.

I prefer that speech. The cuckoo clock speech is flawed b/c Germans invented it not the Swiss. So while I find the argument interesting, I can't help but feel the truth undermines it to prevent me from rooting for warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed for cultural advancement.

I personally do not believe in Schoenberg. However, if Schoenberg had existed, this would be the best description of the music he would have written.

Does not have The Might Boosh so it is an invalid video.

It looks remarkably like Steven Moffat. As if that man doesn't give me enough nightmares.

When are we going?

"The characters become so gosh-darned adorable to their creators that they are coddled and fussed over instead of used as interesting personalities in a great story. The creators end up flattening their own characters down to their catchphrases and personality tics."