
@Jesus Diaz: "I really find hard and sad to know that I'll never see this live."

Getting a degree in web design and living in the Midwest was ill advised. I think I'll go back to school and become a geologist.

We can just go ahead and start making fun of this guy. via []

@iRant: Mercury astronauts were pretty close to just about everything. It was more of a suit than a spacecraft. I'd call this an improvement!

@archbishop: No, the article says "Cascade Style Sheets" which must be different than the Cascading kind.

It was cool until you see that they are carrying automatic rifles. If they got caught in the act they seem as if they'd have no problem turning it into another 1997 North Hollywood shootout. They're just common criminals.

@dachwuff: If you win they pay for travel expenses. But, yeah, you'd better not bother, so there be more odds in my favor! :)

@JEmlay: You've been warned about the images! Same works for any Gawker blog.

@RonDiaz: Try Sailor Jerry Spiced Navy Rum, another 93-proof from the Virgin Islands.

@JEmlay: I use the fancy RSS feed which displays the full post, instead of the default one, which doesn't. Alternately, I suppose I could switch back to the default one to avoid the occasional full-screen anatomically correct silicone vuvuzuelas.

@talkingstove: There are those who wrongly categorize it as a zoo where we are the human visitors, gawking at the exotic creatures. In actuality we are the creatures, glancing across the isles into other exhibits.

On an unrelated note, I've really got to start reading Gizmodo's RSS feed in "collapsed mode" in Google Reader while at work.

@ineedsmass: Yes. Its the best $5 bottle of anything I've ever bought.

I would've loved to try #10 because my speedo is actually malfunctioning. "Hey look, I'm going 114mph! HA! Now it says I'm going... south?" A common problem for us '04 Cavalier owners (I know, shut up!), apparently not dangerous enough to warrant a recall. Even if I got a ticket it would cost less than the $400 I'm

@acidrain69: Agreed. I also have to take issue with the phrase "for the foreseeable future". SpaceX has already launched and sent into orbit the Falcon 9/Dragon, which some reports say could be ready for human cargo well before the Ares I ever would have been. Thats very foreseeable to me.

@Tommy Five: We would have been doing that under the Bush/Constellation plan anyways, and nobody was calling it the "end of US manned space flight" then.

"marking the end of the United States' manned space program for the foreseeable future."

@Turkieshooter: The Bush administration is the one that set in motion the 2010 shuttle retirement date and left the spaceflight gap. Then, they underfunded the Constellation program meant as the replacement, causing it to miss deadlines and take massive cuts to its scope.