
The result is the same, but the decision is much easier if you live in Illinois. If you lease a car here (and a few other states, I think) you have to pay the taxes on the full price of the car up-front. If at the end of your lease you decide you want to buy the car, you have to pay the taxes on the full price of the

One time I successfully won the Death Bowl by getting all the computer drivers to fall in the pit. I still have that replay saved on an old PS1 memory card somewhere, as it was the happiest day of my life.

There is this dealership just north of St. Louis that has a ton of classic cars for sale, quite a few around the $5,000 price point, like this clean-looking '64 Ford. Of course, it depends on what their definition of "runs and drives" is, but I've always wanted to take a road trip to check this place out. I'm just

I tried teaching myself pinstriping but failed miserably. Huge respect for those with steady enough hands to keep the art alive. Another young striper I'd recommended supporting is HodRod Jen: []

I agree with everyone else's horror. Please don't do this. If you are wearing a tie, you should, nay, you must also be wearing a jacket/blazer. That is the rule. Put stuff in your blazer pockets if your shirt doesn't have one. I cringe at the sight of young whipper-snappers running home after reading this article and

Diggy diggy hole?

Perhaps he was a big Sam Jackson fan? I think the train thing was more up this character's alley.

Ha ha! Rim job.

I'd be curious to know what happened to the person with the roller bag running towards the camera at 0:34. It appears they must've gotten a face full of debris.

I came here to make the same correction. It's not a matter of disagreement, its a matter of getting the facts straight, which is something that is seriously lacking in Gizmodo's science and space reporting.

What about the same but for shared network drives? We never actually unmount them. Doing web design work with hundreds of files, I always need to go through and manually search and delete all the ._ duplicate files & .DS_store files when the Mac people access them. I've been dealing with it for 5-years, but an

There's nothing to miss, because it isn't there. When Diaz and the Independent article say "astronomers" theorize this, they actually just mean these two astronomers, John Matese and Daniel Whitmire. No other astronomers or professional astronomical organizations support their claim, which is based entirely on a lack

What you missed is that United Space Alliance is currently responsible for carrying out every space shuttle mission already. They are the primary contractor for NASA. Nobody in space shuttle operations at Kennedy Space Center is a government employee, they are all contractors employed by USA. They were also the

@Standish: That is extremely very not good.

If I build a box and use Linux as an OS, can I watch Netflix with it? I thought since Netflix used Microsoft Silverlight, this wasn't possible. I hope I'm wrong.

@mike_311: Just make sure you get one with the dedicated ATI HD5450 video card if you're planning on watching HD content. Those models start at $450 anyways. The integrated graphics that come with the base models seems to choke on the HD stuff.

@Jonathan Harford: Click the title above the image to go to the source, and not the image itself. Yes, I agree, this are not a good example of usability on LH's part. Perhaps they should add a direct download link after the descriptive paragraph.

@bootska: That's the funniest part. "NOOO! Not the BEER!!!"

Not my photo, but Drea Morsby can hop into my engine bay anytime she wants.