
Total carbon emissions 2022: 37B metric tons.

We all just have to sit at home in dirt huts staring at walls or it’s all meaningless showmanship according to some people apparently.

But those are right-wing men, and she’s a woman. She’s an easier target.

They are slightly better than indulgences. At least something happens when you pay carbon credits. They plant trees and shit. Indulgences are absolutely pointless and just religious greed by its own members exploiting morons.

So a friend is working for a business that has as its chief goal planting 10 billion trees. Another is fostering growth of new large-scale hydroelectric dams across the world. A third is helping drive investments in cheaper wind turbine manufacturing.

All of this discussion about her jets seems like it’s just falling into the right-wing trap of wanting to make the discussion about her negative, however possible.

Based on what I’ve seen over the years, if a franchise becomes really successful, then the studio is usually much more risk-averse because the continued revenue stream has become more important than creative decisions that lead to new ideas and content. Horror films and other genres don’t seem to be affected as much be

Shockingly, I’ve actually seen the majority of this list! That said, this did remind me to watch Predestination, which I’ve been persistently forgetting to.

Not to mention, a flagrant disregard for operating within the bounds of any local, state, or federal laws or regulations.

That really was some weird ‘80s anti-environmental regulation crap, but it was beyond stupid shutting down the containment unit, that’s like shutting down a nuclear reactor’s cooling system because you want to protect the environment.

Egon was the villain. There were no ghosts before he and Ray started messing around with his illegal devices. They created a disease and then sold America the cure.

He was protecting the environment! The Ghostbusters lacked any sort of permit for the containment unit nor did they have any sort of remediation plan. He knows what that thing was leaking into the environment.  

Half the US thinks Jan 6th was a normal day, the other half thinks it was an insurrection. It seems easy for me to wrap my head around the idea that most people thought it was not real or a hoax. Doctor Who did this exact same thing with the Monks in “The Pyramid At The End Of The World”, no one remembered the Daleks

So Thrawn was way out there, we even needed a ‘map’ to find him. Does he need a map to find his way back from whence he came, or does he ‘remember’ the way. No doubt there’s the explanation of how he came to be way out there in some source, but it seems likely that most of us aren’t aware of it. Is his ability with

Jetfire was one of a series of G1 transformers that were from another toyline. Hasbro’s Transformers were mostly made up of the Diaclone and Micromaster toylines from Takara in Japan (I may have that second name wrong, but I know Diaclone is correct). However, they also got the Roy Fokker Valkyrie toy from Macross

Now playing

I had OG Prime and Jetfire too. Jetfire was by far my favorite, especially since the F-14 was all the rage with the boys in my class.

So Long Haul is the lower part of the torso while Hook is the upper part of the torso. Probably went that way because they’re all basically the same size. With the other combiners the one that made up the torso was bigger then the rest.

I’ll just leave this here.

Did everyone have like ONE friend who had almost all of these though?  I had that one kid whose parents were split up and vying for his affection and had EVERY good toy and EVERY NES game and being able to go over to his house and play with them was just about as good as having all that stuff myself.