
Eh... They can afford it. That’s not the issue. It’s not even complicated. The issue is that they may just not like the idea.

But even if it did mean flush with cash  they can spend on anything, so what?  This is such a strange article.  Even if they were flush with liquid cash why does that mean they have to spend it on this show?

I did NOT know that, but it explains so, so, much.

They’re not only exactly what you describe, but we all know that the site runs three different headlines at any given time for the same article and goes with whichever one proves to be the biggest clickbait.

I don’t understand why people still trust AVClub headlines which are at best are overly sarcastic overreactions to news and at worst incorrect and misleading (as this one is). Even the write-up that this hack regurgitated says that the show didn’t move forward because Apple didn’t like the main character.

In my experience, there’s an alarming lack of financial literacy and basic understanding of macroeconomics here in the States. FWIW unlike other giant corporations, Apple actually IS sitting on a mountain of cash that they can technically spend on anything (or at least they were when we studied them in school ~7 years

I can’t remember, what was different about the endings?

I disagree, I think ‘Mining the Carcass of A Massive, Long-Dead Beast’ is pretty apt title for any Star Wars feature at the moment

I am not sure how many of these count as snubs.   Most of them do not.

Just reminded of how so many fans were upset to learn that Episode I was going to be called The Phantom Menace.

I think it’s entirely possible to acknowledge that Kennedy is one of the most accomplished producers in Hollywood history and still argue that she wasn’t the best fit for managing the Star Wars universe, regardless of what George Lucas thought of her talents.

People who bash Kennedy are just misogynistic dumbasses, there is really no argument here.

I did enjoy the RE2 remake very much, but in my opinion, the Dead Space remake is the best survival horror game I’ve ever played. 

If the only good thing about a game is the cut scenes, it should be a TV show or a movie, not a game.  I say this as someone that really prefers a game have good story/lore, as I want to be invested in what’s happening.  On the other side of the coin, though, if it’s a boring slog to get from one bit of story to the

I’m convinced Poe’s “learn how to be a leader” arc was what Finn’s was going to be.

JJ and Kasdan caved in to Oscar Isaac’s complaint about Poe dying in the first 15 minutes (Wedge was their original target for the intro and he refused such a small role. Funny considering the 5.5 second cameo he DID accept later) and

I agree that there is some potential here, and of course, Toothless is a brilliantly written character, especially since he has no dialogue!

For me it was the same, but my fatigue started with TFA. JJ Abrams is not as good a filmmakers as he thinks he is and his style and cinematography are gimmicky and zeigeisty (dutch angles, zoom cuts, lenseflare) hence they get old very fast. He and Zack Snyder are cut from the same cloth basically. They use tropes and

I’d seen every Star Wars movie opening weekend in the theater since the Special Editions in the late 90's, but TRoS was the first one I had no urgency to see — I saw it a month after it opened.”

— This is literally me except starting with Jedi and replace TLJ with Attack of the Clones, which showed me that Lucas had

I’d rather see that whole trilogy gone and have them do something new . Having a director seem to do a volte face in the middle of a trilogy was a terrible idea.. they either should have started with Johnson directing and writing the first film , and set the tone that way ..or just did a ‘traditional’ trilogy and had

I *hate* Fromsoft games. Like, all of them, yes, even Elden Ring (which even from an art design / graphical standpoint I find massively overrated). Their design philosophy pisses me off, and the fan base is full of insufferable tryhards who are borderline cultish about it. But then, most of the appeal seemed to be (in