
I remember one time when that cable was damaged by an anchor. Lag got really bad then.

why is it that whenever we talk about cloud gaming mentioned as an option for gaming it is ALWAYS seen as something hailed down by corporations as the ONLY way to enjoy games?

Maybe it will be a movie version of the Chris Kattan character from SNL, Azrael Abyss, Prince of Darkness, host of Goth Talk!

It was crap then and it’s even greater crap now. The story falls apart the second you think about it and the scene where Mini Driver supposedly gets aroused makes me think Rian Johnson has never spoken to or met a woman in. his. life. The only thing dumber was the decision to try and make Joseph Gordon Levitt look


Yeah, I remember people accusing Avatar of ripping off Halo, and Cameron being like, Hello, did you see that older movie I made?

Yeah, I fucking loved Chernobyl.

Yeah, for the first two-thirds of the game the Marines are a constant presence in the game, and then they’re all gone, either killed by the Covenant or absorbed by the Flood.* It’s downright eerie. Like you say, it creates a feeling of survivor guilt and trauma without ever really articulating it.

I would say there is something a bit off about the way she’s constantly pouring endless praise and gratitude on Pugh. Clearly something happened, and both of them probably think the other is a massive cunt. I’d have more respect if they came out and said as much. Also I’d have more respect if this was a movie worthy

there’s something ethically dicey about this

Well, Luke wasn’t actually essential to defeat the Empire at Endor, so it would have been possible too win without Jedi, theoretically.

That was the first Mario and Sonic crossover

Metaphors can be fun.

I was thinking about this earlier while watching the trailer for the new season of Mandalorian. What makes that show so good, is that it blends parts of the story of the Clone Wars cartoons, and other IP to tell a story that is consistent tonally and contextually with what came before. What the sequels all lack is

Ain’t no desperation like a clean junkie. 

Same! I didn’t really like the book very much; it read very silly and got a bit preposterous as it went on. Buuuuuuut as a template for an M. Night movie...honestly, this could work really well. And Bautista looks great for the role. I think I’m in!

Here’s a funny story about gas station sandwiches. The gas station near my work has made to order sandwiches, and they offer an egg salad sandwich. One day, the woman I work with, who was a fussy eater and very health conscious, mentioned an egg salad sandwich, and I mentioned that she could get one at the gas

I like the way that Dave Bautista has fully transitioned into being a character actor.

Popular geek opinion and attitude is to frown on Avatar and claim that no one remembers it or wants a sequel.