
Some people saw Avatar and Titanic so many times in theaters that it seemed almost like some sort of mass psychotic episode. The guy makes films that connect deeply with general audiences.

I asked a few people for the same kind of bet before Jurassic World Dominion came out.  “It’s going to bomb!” was such a common phrase about it.  Now that the movie is closing in on $1b in sales they’ve all shut up.  I’m sure Avatar 2 is going to do better than that.

yeah it’s honestly like people forget that James Cameron’s entire shtick is making insanely good movies. the man bought the rights and produced a GOOD Alita Battle Angel movie for gods sake (literally the only time I can remember that a live action anime film actually lived up to expectations)

We are living in harsh times, if we have to accept changes like that. Who knows, what horror happens next.Rage against the Machine’ making political songs?

People who haven’t seen the movie yet: “I magically already know how good it’ll be and I have opinions!”

Oh, great, Star Wars is coming out against fascism.

WhEn DiD iT gEt So PoLiTiCaL?!

He uses his position and clout as a YouTuber to leak stories, illegally mind you, to make himself feel bigger.

“Stick it to the gay bears”

The only 3D cinema experience to actually wow me was the Hobbit trilogy. Saw those back to back when the 3rd part was released. Content of the movies left a lot to be desired, but the high framerate was fantastic for the 3D presentation.

I was just coming here to say this. IMAX 3D was stunning, and I usually hate 3D movies. And really when has Cameron let me down?

Get there 20 minutes after the scheduled showtime. Go on a morning. It’s the best.

Right, I fully expect 2 to be a spectacle and make huge money. That still leaves, what? 3 more movies? At some point there’s going to need to be a decent script 

Oh that’s cool, I didn’t know that. I thought it was the other way around, my bad.

Especially considering that half a year earlier, Avengers Endgame had earned something in the neighborhood of $3 billion, and it was the fourth movie in its respective series and the 22nd movie in the MCU overall. That’s the kind of insane money Disney was hoping Star Wars would bring in. The fact that it didn’t is

Absolutely! I get into the unprecedented advertising campaign in a lot more detail in the book. Impressive stuff.

I find the need to control a narrative of what killed Star Wars is probably one of the more amusing meta-debates.

There were parts of it I enjoyed, but on the whole it just felt like a bunch of “clever” bits that didn’t really connect or add up to a satisfying movie. I didn’t really feel like there was a big emotional payoff with Jane’s sacrifice or Gorr’s daughter coming back to life as a Space Viking.

Is Kang’s Dynasty going to last longer that Ultron’s Age?  

“The Stranger” is Gandalf. There’s no way the people making this show have a grey-haired old man fall from the sky in a ball of fire and then befriend a bunch of hobbits and then not have that be Gandalf.  

I think VI will always be my favorite. I have a lot of affection for IV too, since it was the first time I’d played a game that had a proper story and fleshed out characters. Mario games were fun, and are still great games, but FF IV changed my idea of what games could be.