
I liked that they changed Dream’s design if only because the comic establishes that he changes his look as time passes, and the 80’s were a different time fashion-wise then now. The black eyes would’ve been cool, but I don’t miss that hair.

I think it’s difficult to portray Morpheus on screen as he is in the comics, physically. The hair, the eyes, the chalk-white skin...while it works on the page, I think ultimately it’s probably a bit too over-the-top in live action.

I just don’t think you can sustain that look for an entire series. It would be cool to have his appearance change subtly throughout, but the black eyes would have made him hard to relate to onscreen. As with Despair’s redesign, it’s just a case of things working in the comics that wouldn’t in live action.

Game looks fun and I thought the trailer was fine in that it got me interested in the game. *shrugs*

In the books, there is a marine division made up entirely of androids that goes to the xenomorph homeworld to try to capture a queen. Picture a team of Roy Batty with the tech from Aliens.  

Honestly, I saw about the same amount or even more posts and complaints about Leia, Obi Wan, the overall writing etc.

The thing is, it’s not as controversial, it doesn’t generate as much clicks, and nobody in the press went to the people involved with the show to ask question about those problems.

It’s like with everything now. 10/20% are extermists from both side of an issue.
Idiots saying that you’re with them or against them, telling you that can’t agree with both sides on different topics of an issue.
I can’t count how many times I’ve been labeled either a racist or a wokeist.

In the end, I pity those people

Racists/sexists fans are used as scapegoats.
Nobody ever complained about Lando, Leia, Padme, Mace Windu, Cara Dune, Moff Gideon, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor because they were good characters used properly.

Really disappointed with the storyline Rian Johnson gave to Finn.

They really blew it with Boyega and Finn.

If a character on a show is a moustache-twirling villain, well, that’s never very interesting.

Probably licensing. Sony doesn't want to pay Dolby royalties. HDR10, HDR10+ and 3d audio are royalty free. 

I feel ya.  It is odd to me that the Bluray app can play Dolby Atmos but nothing else can.

Good jeebus, that would have been fantastic. Of course, it would have been fruitless. I’m sure Palpatine, somehow, survived.

I like the movie a lot but acknowledge it has big flaws in the areas you mentioned. The slow-speed chase and casino sequences feel like like mid-season episodes of a better-than-average television series. All that said, I do appreciate the concepts Rose introduces about war-profiteering and the DJ stuff with Finn was

I’ve been watching You, Me & The Movies - they started S2 this week. The Mrs. reaction to Adama getting shot was everything you could hope for.

I think it’s hampered by the lack of being on a dedicated streaming service worldwide, it may have been in the US but over the pond the oly way to catch SG1, SGA or SGU would be DVD’s (which I have) or catching it on a random cable channel. Thanks to amazon hopefully we’ll have access to the entire SG franchise on

If it matters anyway, Comet had Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis as their cornerstone shows for much of their existence, and once they got Battlestar Galactica as a replacement, it became their biggest priority.

Which makes sense, given what the Hickman Secret Wars involved.

Google: Paul Rudd Conan Mac and Me. Long running gag of Rudd’s.