
She played Nan Britton, had the affair with Warren Harding and actually thought he would marry her.

I don't think she is really interested in women - that was just an experimentation with a very unusual woman. Besides in that little closed community, nothing is secret. They take a lot of liberty in this series with the comings and goings of the people on the Hill. They didn't have that kind of freedom to move

Well, I have come to dislike Frank's character. He is a sanctimonious hypocrite. I'm tired of his diatribes, as if he is the only person on earth who has any ethics or conscience. He treated people horribly and cheated on his wife, who is way too good for him. Now, suddenly he decides they are all going to be

It was tongue in cheek, genius. Get over yourself.

LOL! You're right - it was the next scene, when the Colonel had her in his office.

Thanks for clarifying that - I was reading something else into what your original post!

Torture, rape, unmitigated violence and degradation of women - that's why I stopped watching Vikings and now BBC has sunk to the History Channel's new low. Are there any writers out there who can come up with some new ideas and producers who will take a chance on something else?There is absolutely nothing on

The Allmans were the people who lived in that hut where the reporter was staying. That was her cover being there, claiming she didn't seek out the reporter, her former lover. She wasn't supposed to know he was there.

Oppenheimer definitely wants to bed Helen. That "It was only sex," remark just turned him on big time. He obviously admires really smart women - his wife is one.

The deviant remark was completely appropriate for the time period. Don't put your idea of morality onto people from 70 years ago. It came out of the blue, which make it even more cutting to Abby. Let's face it, Abby needed to be slapped down. She and Charlie both are just way too full of themselves.

Einstein had multiple affairs, including many of his female "assistants" who also lived at his home while studying in his lab.

I think because we all know people we would like to shoot in the face (with a gun) but BJ's are only good for the people receiving them, certainly not for the person doing all the work. That is oral sex - a lot of people like receiving it but no one likes giving it.

Justified is far superior to The Shield. The Shield got itself into some ridiculous situations and the means of extrication were just over the top unbelievable. That dumb wife of Vic's - please!! Vic was never likeable, had no moral compass, everything was all about him. Raylan has a moral code and he does use

Ada just spent considerable time in prison - even if she didn't know about it before, she likely would have picked it up there.

I think Raylan will live, but I think Winona and/or the baby will be killed by Boon. That scene a couple of episodes back where Winona declared her love for Raylan and her desire to be with him on his own terms seemed to me to be setting up a scenario where Raylan ends this series with his professional reputation

Well, I don't quite that this is "brilliant." I think it is more that the writers can't quite decide what to do with these characters. Boon is a useless addition to the cast in my opinion. What is the point of his being so menacing to the cafe worker and the young woman studying there? We already know he is an

I was astounded that the director sent all the Marines to that ambush site. Hello - there was just a prisoner exchange with a 12 yo in a suicide vest, the ambassador's hubs is a traitor and you have no clue this may be a diversion? How the ehll did you get to be director? I think this review is kind of childish,

It's Mark Moses, not Micael.

His British has been coming through more and more often the past 3 or 4 episodes - it was really there tonight.

I think Katy is doing a great job trying to make these ridiculous scenes look and sound real. What she does with her voice and her hands especially. This entire final season has had ridiculous dialogue and situations.