
The Firm - the best work Cruise ever did. So many great supporting actors - love that movie.

I thought the last 3 episodes of S6 were quite good. Quinn needed to go - they should have let him die in S5.

I think having her use fire once again to destroy her enemies and then to have her come out naked and Dothraki drop to their knees - AGAIN - was lazy writing but maybe the showrunners couldn't think of another way to get the Dothraki under Dany's umbrella.

At least Chuck didn't let a friend die so he wouldn't be able to testify against him at trial. Axe has Donnie see his "personal oncologist" under the pretense that he is the best in the world - of course - and when the MD says Donnie could get into a trial and give him X more time to live, Axe nixes that and says not

I agree with you about Costabile. I almost cheered when he walked into his first scene. I love Maggie Siff - she can do anything. That blondie playing Axe's wife is a big fat zero. Not sure if it's her or the fact that her role is written so horribly. The dialogue they give her is embarrassing. The tough girl

I'm tired of the dysfunctional characters in so many of these "bestsellers." Girl on the Train - loser alcoholic, Gone Girl - cray-cray to the extreme. All the imitations of them that have come out - can't anyone tell a story with likable, normal people?

I think we are supposed to believe that the firefighters are so emotional and so stupid that they can't understand what Bobby did. I wish an NYFD firefighter would come on here and tell us what they think of the episode.

Used to be a line in soap operas, not everyone uses it.

When did you start watching? They have been F buddies throughout the season. Now Bryan has a thing for the smart black female - so of course we have to have interracial relationship to keep everything balanced. I love that FBI agent - she is no nonsense and she knew when she walked in on Bryan and whats-her-name

When I saw all those pill bottles on Donnie's nightstand when the FBI raided the place, I was suspicious, then the coughing up blood - Donnie has AIDS. There had to be a good reason for him to go to Ohio and not home to his husband and kids. He has mentioned his kids a couple of times, then when this happened, he

After they refused coffee and doughnuts, they take limos? I noticed that, too - kind of thing stupid protesters would do. Standing in front of a building with a sign might get you 15 seconds on the TV news, but no one cares. Writing a letter to the editor is more effective - people who matter and who do things read

They use nudity and sex scenes a lot in this show, because it is really a dismal show. Showtime and HBO both seem to think that a copulation scene every 10 minutes is what their viewers want. It is a sign of weak writing. This show tries to be innovative with its format and from these comments, some people like

And in real life doctors are off wrong in this prediction about infertility. There are instances of women having multiple children, then having GYN surgery for what an issue and the doctor discovers all these blockages and scar tissue that should have prevented conception, but the lady has 5 kids. I used to work in

Typical male reaction. I don't mean that in a snarky way, just how men are raised and seem to be naturally wired, stuck on the third note of the musical scale - me, me, me!

Thank you. I agree. I read the comments on these reviews every week and I'm amazed at the people who think this is great TV. It is a hot mess, not even good enough to be called a soap opera, where at least there are good guys too root for. Even the kids in The Affair need to be flushed.

I thought Maura's reaction to his "needy bitch" outburst was perfect. She learned what arrogant jerks most physicians are, probably wondered what he said about her after what went on with Martin's hospitalization.

Au contraire! I have know many gay men in my life and have worked in hospitals and physician offices - there are a lot of gay doctors and a lot of hooking up goes on in doctors' lounges.

So, you like the arrogant detached type with no soul and no genuine consideration for the people who cuts into.

Just look where that philosophy has gotten Helen.

I didn't think that was a good line at all, kind of stupid. If all you want is sex, call an escort service, especially if you're a rich New York surgeon or as rich as Helen.