
You think she's attractive? She is skinny as a pencil and kind of plain in the face. That scene was just purely idiotic. But I don't buy her as sheriff or even a cop - look how easy it was for skinny, hasn't eaten or slept in weeks Gemma to knock the sheriff flat on the floor.

How would he know it is a red flag? He has lived his entire life in an extremely repressed society - women aren't even allowed to show their hair in public.

I'm asking myself the same question. The acting in Broadchurch was so much better for the most part. Anna Gunn and the woman playing Danny's mom are great, but the others - meh. The girl playing the sister is way too old - she looks 25 instead of 15 she is supposed to be. I think a B is way too high - C- is more

Sorry, I didn't see your post before I added my comment.

You mean Robocop? That was my first thought - especially when he shot the other cop behind the counter in the head before he could say much. I think he also didn't care about Colette getting killed since he knew she was occasionally having sex with Jax. He and Gemma are both narcissistic sociopaths.

She's going to join the other old actresses in American Horror Show.

That doesn't mean Juice won't die BEFORE epi 9 or 10. Juice could die next week in epi 6. He's just too stupid and annoying to get out of this alive.

Some women like the scruffy type.

I think you're giving him too much credit. He's not the genius so many people think he is. I was a "The Shield" fan but Sutter did some really unbelievable twists on that show that somehow the audience just swallowed. For instance, how stupid he made Vic's wife. Nobody intelligent enough to get through nursing

I'm disturbed that Bobby seems to love her. Why? Doesn't he know that she was responsible at least in part for John's death? I don't think anyone is going to kill Gemma. She is on the verge of a psychotic break - talking to Tara at least twice now. I think she's going to end up confessing to Jax that she killed