Lush were so damn good. Nice to see some people still appreciate good music.
“Gee, I wish we had on of them doomsday machines” - Trump
Starred for your great name.
Well it could be hacking, it could be by Russia, it could be China, or it could be some 400 pound guy sitting on a bed somewhere.
Kobach: <slides it across table to Trump>
Interesting. Your icon is of a character who attacks a man with a head like a fucking orange, yet here you are defending a man with a head that is fucking orange.
Is it wrong that I deleted my own mother from social media because she voted for Trump?
“Political correctness is destroying America! The liberal media wouldn’t be reporting this if it was a white guy!” - most Wisconsinites (outside of Madison)
I love that this story (and Hillary’s letter) actually focuses on this amazing woman. If this woman was a Trump supporter, the narrative would have been about the scary, out of control minorities attacking our seniors and how walls and bans are gonna fix ‘em!
Many white people are saying Donald J Trump will bring huge ratings to failing networks, and his big, beautiful words will make the debates great again. Crooked Hillary will lose big-ly. Sad!
To be fair, any chance of Trump being president is scary as hell.
Ironic, considering his supporters are angry, racist babies.
I would really like to know what these guys think of Greg Hardy and Adrian Peterson.
Hey Donald, please, please don’t fill your pockets with candy before you go. It would be a senseless tragedy if you were mistaken for a piñata and bludgeoned by children who definitely want to help pay for your wall when they grow up.
You are 100% right about this. However, the Clinton Foundation is so far down the line as far as her scandals go that I would be suprised if it got enough pressure for her to close it.