he was attacked
he was attacked
"Obviously there is probably something going on with him that is deeper than an extreme case of "Nice Guy-ism,""
I visited the Wizardchan link, and it's chilling. I'm not even talking about the shooter: I'm talking about all the guys who have basically decided women are all whores and therefore unworthy of them. Guys, come on! Virginity isn't a permanent condition!
Why the hell would you ruin a perfectly good pastry with Red Bean? Red Bean tastes like a Crushed Gravel and Disappointment Aspic. Are we 100% sure Red Bean isn't made from jellied cigarette butts? I mean, it would explain a lot.
Oh. You're a guy. What a surprise.
Hahahaha. Yes, let's get all self-righteous about the hurt fee-fees of misogynistic creeps, the kinds of guys who make a lot of grief for a lot of women. Color me not concerned.
Nope. Sorry. Your idea is horrible.
Oh, so Feminism is actually "We know what's best for you so you'd better do what we say or we'll shame you!" I'm sorry, I was under the impression that -THAT- was the Patriarchy, instead!
I believe women should be able to make their own choices about what they do with their own bodies. It's called Bodily Autonomy, which is ENTIRELY feminist. Want to try again, sparky?
Old men DO have a way of thinking that they've got something relevant to say about nearly everybody's life...
Whenever men make this point I can't help but think they are the type of men who have no value to women aside from their monetary value. There is some confusion about cause and effect here.
The frequency of women walking up to men and, randomly and without context, telling them to pay for things is truly one of the greatest cultural problems of our time.
Yes, let's destroy everything instead of fixing it because everything about everything in society is bad!
That sounds more like a Thought Catalog piece?
The interruption was offensive. OFFENSIVE.
Sorry about your identity as a doormat.