
That’s why my current vehicle is an extended cab truck and my Xterra had the rear seats removed and a sleeping platform / drawer system in the back.

It usually means if you participate in timed events you won’t get warranty coverage.  That was in the fine print for the 1LE track warranty coverage.

It looks like they had the boom fully extended and almost vertical, probably trying to get height to get the materials up to whatever floor.  Not the way you use a knuckle boom crane..

I should go and spray paint a bullseye a few hundred feet from the local C&C exit after these things come out. Get some Olympic style score cards for judging the curb hits and how close they get to the bullseye. 

I needed a new explore-mobile. My 2010 Xterra was showing it’s age and after 9 years and 225k it was time for something new. I was tempted to pick up another, newer Xterra as it’s a familiar platform but I wanted something new. Specifically, a truck. So I could be one of those Overlanding Truck Guys. The new Bronco

My Cramro was EPA rated for 25mpg highway, but I’d regularly see 28-30.

Paint matching your car to your kayak is an expert-level off-road move. Color-matching your kayak to your car, however, is seen as tacky in many circles. It’s all about the order.

Also Minnesotan, and a heated steering wheel was a must for my new vehicle purchase.  Too bad I’m still missing the chip for my heated seats, though..

1st gear:

The ZR2 pulled kayak transporter duty for the weekend.

They used F-18s in the new one.  

Just sharing my experience, whereas you’re speculating about it.

Picked up a new vehicle almost 2 months ago.  Paid under MSRP and it’s been trouble free so far.

Before all this it was pretty normal for a car to sit for a few months to a year or more on a dealer lot, and no one seemed to have an issue with that.

I’ve had my Xterra for almost 10 years, and it’s lived outside most of that time.  -30* winters, +100* summers.  230k miles.  Dirt, grease, sweat, hydraulic oil.. it’s got some wear but no part of the steering wheel is flaking or peeling off.

Rain-X. The stuff works, even use it on my side mirrors.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

My 1LE allowed a decent amount of wheel spin, but stability control cut in pretty quick if it felt the car getting sideways if you left everything turned on.  Even with the 305's on the back it would spin them with ease on the street.

I know, I know. Just pokin’ fun.

“...the car is best enjoyed moving straight ahead.”