Last Mariachi

"It was me, Austen! It was me all along!" -Mark Carney

Austin 18:13

Crown of Thorns. Wanted the Crown of Shit but a needle tore a hole through it.

Well, I buy all of my stuff at Liar's Chair Furniture Depot.

What are they, retardant or something?

Or Tarnished Literary Legacies of Dune by Brian Herbert. Why is it always Brian's fault!?

This deserves far more upvotes.

Starring Hulk Hogan as Bane.

Well, he's apparently a gigolo now so it rings, but for more interesting reasons.

You can spot a young John Cena working out as an extra in a gym scene for all of a few seconds.

Well… goddammit. R.I.P. Mr. Landau.

I'm happy they didn't. It'd be a pointless twist because you'd know they'd bring him back.

R.I.P. to one of the most influential filmmakers of all time. Like everyone else has been saying, the guy was a legit legend.

I hope the only thing he's taking literally right now are pineapples up his ass in hell, the racist prick.

Call for help.

Deep. Or derp, either one.

I'd be interested in it if they managed to get the old Vagrant Story/ FFT/ FFXII team back together (basically all the former Quest employees).

I think you forgot because DARK METAMORPHOSIS

They were! And MGS was in Japanese on that disc, wasn't it?

On yo' ass.