Last Mariachi

Goofy Old Virgins Eventually Ruin Night Man's Electronic Nu Taint?

D.A.R.E.- Dumb assholes ruining education?

Muslim mecha? Like Gundam Sandrock?

She'll basically be the distaff counterpart of Arnim Zola.

They can get Frank Reynolds on it.

Batman v. Superman directed by Andy Warhol. Mostly just shots of Supes and Batman shooting up in an abandoned warehouse.

Or Blackadder Goes Forth with less mustard gas.

They're all sharing a Pine Soul.

Lovely plummage.

That Gadot's some Gal, huh?

Not convoluted enough for Snyder, I'm afraid.

It would really feel like stealing even more from Captain America if they did, though. Not to say that that WW was much like The First Avenger but there were certainly parallels.

So Pine in name only?

No one says no to Gaston.

I mean, Rocky did lose his first fight against Lang, so…

Good thing Justice is blind, because having to look at him is corporal punishment enough.

But where does he stand on detonators?

*Building blows up*

Why couldn't we have elected Ellis from Left for Dead 2?

Also, they invade Middle Earth.