Last Mariachi

Using punches as special greetings!

Wonderful Life is a fantastic song, though.


Clint Howard looks like one of the mutants in Futurama.

No way in Hellboy. Except maybe the rear.

These guys know more about sucking than anyone on the planet.

Also Nathan Drake!

These recaps helped me better appreciate wrestling in all it's goddamn weirdness, so thanks for the great write-ups guys!

If the fucking President gets banned on twitter, Jesus Christ. That being said, ban his stupid ass ASAP.

Dean Ambrose's Big Book of War?

I still think it'll cycle back to it, simply because of the enormity of the charge. I'm trying my best to believe that, in any case.

Maybe for a parasite?

Probably Jazz.

I think it's all about to come tumbling down on top of them, to be honest. It's like, "No, hate me because of this! No, I mean this!"

What I gathered from Jurassic World is that Dinosaurs went extinct because of Jimmy Fallon.

Fuck Trump with a transformer.

Makes sense that Dean would feud with himself.

A guy walks to the glass box prison, gets a cup of coffee, and sits down in one long take.

On the Renaissance Fair

The truth is out of beer.