
She def has a style of her own. I love her for that. Diane don’t let anyone style her. She wears whatever she wants. She don’t give a shit.

They’re all shopped. Liebowitz usually shoots them one by one and cut and paste them together. That’s why these photos are alaways a little uncanny valley

I love Diane Keaton. She didn’t try to be sexy or fierce in a sexy gown. She was herself. She just wore she likes to wear and smiled that warm smile of hers.

Am I missing... Latina/o actors?

diane keaton is my favorite part

Added tip: switch to a standing desk. I found that, even without adding any additional PC exercises, switching to a standing desk greatly reduced my stress incontinence. Also from my personal experience: Having c-sections will not “save” your vagina.

Also good because choking is a red flag for escalating violence. In domestic violence screenings, choking is considered a strong risk factor for future lethal violence.

Now he eats humble pie.

Interesting profile of his lawyer here:

I've been waiting for this day since his time with Moxy Früvous.

Her backstory:


Its rather amazing that our educational system still focuses so much on solitary learning. When in most workplaces you work in teams, cooperation and teamwork is key.

Add golf to that. If I spent less time playing golf I would have more time to not play golf.

Trying to make bad relationships work.

Work should be on that list.

Video games. It’s not going to be popular to say it on this forum, but video games have been a tremendous time waster for me and I’m betting a lot of people here. If I had spent half the time I spent playing Civilization actually doing something productive (school, work, exercise, learning a skill), I would look back

I’ve always felt that jealousy and regret are two of the most useless emotions.

I can’t speak for all types of stretches for all people in all cases, but when I suffered through a bout of plantar fasciitis, a steady routine of targeted stretching was the only effective treatment. Now that I’m more attuned to minor pains in my feet, I notice that if I get lazy with my stretching the pain begins to