
Yep. Sharon’s been a witness to all of it. For admitting what she did by laughing profusely, she went up 90 points in my book.

He got angry but was too chicken to leave like he did at the football game. The doors would have been locked and church people would have verbally attacked him had he tried. Serves the MF right. What he did in the State of Indiana to people with HIV, among other things, is so horrific. I still say he’s been in the

I’ve said it before but sometimes it bears repeating. He. Will. Never. Change. I work with someone like that and it’s truly frustrating. You take the time to explain that the court rules have changed and a particular way you did it before no longer exists, but he requests it anyway. Yeah. We ignore him because trying

We have to get it where we can get it. It’s all the f-yous that we don’t have the opportunity to say to his face.

Good for everyone that thought to do that! Bravo!!!

Meanwhile, IQ45's scared of having his food poisoned which is his excuse for fast food. IQ45 is too scared to actually mingle with us little folks for fear that someone will attack him. Quite frankly, I’m surprised no one has. Not kill him. Just frighten the crap out of him so he would soil his horribly ill-fitting

Under normal circumstances, you are right. But we are no where near normal these days. Dr. Ronny has been nashing his teeth as a result. Bet he wants to say something but will be prevented. It doesn’t take a pro to ID the fact that IQ45 is not in great health. He’s grossly overweight, he has a horrible diet, he gets

So for those of us who don’t agree, is it now time to go to the top of any tall building and jump off? I think my BP just went up another 30 points.

It appears that IQ45 in his denial, stated that it’s time to tape record all of his meetings so he can’t be misquoted. I say support his idea. Then, during tape recorded meetings, he’ll forget that he’s being taped and will utter really horrible things. Hey, it worked for Nixon ...

If so, hope the scalpel slips. Even though I’m not a fan of Pence, I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

No argument. He’s all that and more.

And idiot MLK’s nephew is reportedly saying that IQ45 is not a racist but racially uninformed. WTF? Is that now an alternative fact???!!!

Hang in there, Lena. We know what you’re going through but if we all pull together, we will survive this. You did the right thing to see a professional for your anxiety. I just went thru some changes in my own life to help reduce the stress and anxiety and it’s working.

Something tells me that the secret service truly don’t care what goes on at the WH these days. They are most likely so disgusted that they’re just waiting for things to implode so we can all move on and put 45 away where he can’t hurt anyone. I remember a comedian talking about GWB that Bush couldn’t be trusted with a

So we play the fucking violin for them and move on.

Except when it’s in reverse like health care, welfare, etc. Then it’s not federal government but the state’s responsibility.

Don’t you think that the publisher of the book is aware of all this? Okay. I hope they do and did before they agreed to publish. I also agree that if a lot of it isn’t true then why would 45 get so angered by it? Instead, he could have just blinked and laughed and shook his head and calmly said, “it’s not true.”

Well, think about all the trump grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc. THEY will have to live with the fact that 45 was horrible in so very many ways. They are the ones who will be hounded their entire lives for the crap that 45 and his current immediate family did.

Just read something that will hopefully put this somewhat to rest. The football (nuclear “button”) is kept near 45 at all times. However, in order to activate it, he has to be ID’d. Each day, he is provided a new set of passcodes (some of which are fake) and he is supposed to memorize the correct one. That in itself

Will not argue with you. You have your stories and I have mine. But keep in mind that those were incidents that were never discussed openly as they are prone to be now. So in some worlds, it never happened. Peel back the layers and you learn it did.