
Years ago when Charleton Heston was still alive and president of the NRA, I was talked into attending a dinner where he and his wife were guests. At the time I didn’t know his affiliation. At the dinner, he started talking about the glory of guns and how wonderful the NRA was. Rather than embarrass the host, I got up

thank you. Yes. She spoke from the heart and got slammed for it. I for one believe that all guns should be banned. Some of the people that spoke last night on MSNBC were so correct in criticizing 45 of instead of spending billions on the wall that those funds go instead to the safety of the children in this country.

Totally agree. During the 2008-09 economic collapse, I lost my job. Downsized. I was unable to qualify for assistance due to all the red tape. (Was told that since I was white and single, I didn’t qualify. Rather discriminatory — I won’t even get into the whole unemployment benefit thing that I had to pay a lot of it

No doubt about this. I really hate puppy mills. Meanwhile, I’ve been ready for a new puppy but it has to be a pug. Have put my name into every shelter and rescues for a pug. Was introduced to a breeder who is notorious for keeping most of the litters her pugs produce. Her family is ready to have her committed. Yes,

Me? I would have gone for the rotund pug. Pugs are cool.

I work with a few people exactly like that. I don’t know how they live with themselves.

You mean like his lack of hair on his head — not the growth surrounding the pate

There’s beauty in telling the truth. It’s one story. But it one lies, it becomes overly cumbersome to remember the lies and as a result there is more lying to cover up the lie they can’t remember.

For fuck’s sake. It appears that due process was in force. He didn’t go to jail for the crimes of abuse he committed on his ex-wives. So he lost his job at the WH. He’ll easily find another job. He’s a lawyer. He hasn’t been disbarred. Yet.

Insurance companies and the attorneys defending them are pretty scummy. Saw where attorneys were trying to limit a settlement amount of a person who was severely injured and will suffer pain for the rest of his life. But the attorneys argued that his life was worth much less because he was HIV positive. The insurance

As awful as this may sound, I can only hope that someone in 45's immediate family, along with many of the GOPers in congress, and the insurance companies top decision makers contracts HIV that turns into full blown AIDS and they have to watch their “loved ones” suffer the horrible effects of the disease. I lost too

I know what you mean. I have a long list of people in the WH I would like to punch in the face. However, Hicks is young and I believe she has no idea that her boyfriend could actually be abusive. She’s naive enough to think that the women must have provoked him to the point where he might not have had any other

The first time they do it the victim will many times think it is theirt fault. And of course the abuser is sooooooo sorry. Then, the next time the abuse is much worse. By the third time, if the victim doesn’t walk don’t try to kid yourself that it was your fault and the abuser is really sorry.

Oh for fuck’s sake. Did your ex actually resort to such juvenile stupidity? Glad he/she’s your ex.

I am like the perfect customer. Rarely if ever return anything. I’m from the school of “you bought it you keep it” mindset.

Used to like their stuff but the quality isn’t what it was years ago. Stopped shopping LL Bean awhile ago.

Has anyone noticed that the media is trying to make sure that the most unattractive photos of 45 get published? I think it’s great.

Agreed that it is a violation. Am quietly hoping that he gets a fatal blood clot before it happens. Will save us lots of money.

Just like Catherine the Great’s husband. He like to play with his toy soldiers and march real ones too.

Everything I’ve ever read about Marlon seems to be true. I try not to think about that when I watch any of this films.