
I agree with everyone that this was a horror Tweet and they are playing stupid childish games. But let’s put this into perspective reality. Have we all forgotten that in order for the US to launch an attack that 45 alone does not have the power to do that? There are safety measures in place that the president alone

Just like any choreographer, once they copyright their work, anytime that anyone performs it, yes, they receive a royalty. The Balanchine works that are performed throughout the world go to a Balanchine estate. Only reason why everyone new about the Bolshoi incident is because because of the acid in the face crime. It

Yeah, try dealing with a large book getting slammed on your foot. Try having your ribbons snipped just enough that they will break while you’re on stage. Try dealing with crushed glass put in your cold cream jar so that when you smear it on your face to remove your stage makeup, your face is cut. Need I say more?

Uhhhh, sorry, but he was no better or different. I had friends at ABT when he was in power.

No, not weird. Just very hopeful. We are all hopeful.

He’s trying to ignore what that disease has been all about, the same as Reagan. Ignorance is bliss to him and his counterparts. (Pence did it in Indiana.) As much as I wouldn’t wish any potentially fatal disease on anyone, I can only hope that someone close to him (and Pence) will experience something so horrible,

European news is stating that judge ruled on Moore’s complaint and has thrown it out. ????? I take it they mean the TRO.

Oh. I thought it was replaced by 45 and his family.

Ah, yes, the killer of trees. Got it. Small hands ... small mind ... small dick ...

You are soooooo right. The excess $$ that they will be saving due to lower taxes is going straight into their own pockets. Share? Share? What????? these business “owners” think that since we, as their employees that worked our butts off when the economy tanked, taking on more work and responsibility, only showed those

Considering how many people of the USA are against it, I gotta believe that it will bite the Repubs in the butt in 2018 and even more in 2020. We know that 45 is a real jerk but Ryan is someone who benefited growing up with public assistance/Social Security benefits due to his father’s early death. The SOB banked

And, Alabama has just announced that it will stop the CHIP program as of 01.01.18 which will remove 84,000 children from having health benefits. Alabama is allegedly the first state to do that.

Found nothing about his attending the 1981 royal wedding. So unless he lies (right), he wasn’t there. He didn’t notice Diana until she became available and his comments were not very gentlemanly.  

Unfortunately, a lot of men have no concept about what comprises sexual harassment. Therefore, I strongly believe there are many many more sexual harassers in Congress than has been reported, both Dems and Repubs. This movement has only begun.

Uhhhh. I don’t think he was at Charles’ and Diana’s wedding. Will have to google it.

I recall seeing a news blurb last week that Exxon was getting ready to submit all the reasons that climate change exists. I guess they will have to go back to their PR peeps.

All of this is mind boggling. I recall in the early 80s a 6-year old child that was born with undeveloped eyes and was considered blind had no rights according to her father — someone I worked with back then. There was a possibility that she could have some corrective surgery or transplant but since she didn’t have

I’m with you on that. [Franken] stepping down has been a horror of sorts. Am angry about what he did but we do need him in Congress. So perhaps stepping away now and then coming back in a few years might be the answer. Meanwhile, I hope the investigation does happen but I doubt it will materialize into something

It’s good that all of this is coming out in the open. Female bosses can be just as obnoxious with this sort of thing. Having been in the workforce for a long time in both Fortune 50 companies and law firms, it’s more prevalent than people know. I can remember one female HR director (about 7 years ago in a law firm)

Yes! It is!