
In the 25+ years I’ve worked in law firms, I’ve witnessed the dumbing down in all areas of the law whether it be litigation or transactional. The quality of a lot of the court submissions look like they were put together and written by a toddler. It’s no wonder that the nominees don’t have a clue. That will work well

Killed trees in the process too.

Why do I get the feeling that he’s covering up for numerous abortions that he is responsible for and is a closet queen. If he’s waiting for God to respond, he’s going to wait a very long time and will most likely never concede.

So, the door did hit her in her butt on the way out? Good riddance. Speculation is that she plans to sue for sexual harassment and racial discrimination.

Yes, very common. Ballet is one of the most competitive art forms. Part of the sacrifice is also giving in to humiliation, verbal assault, etc. In the past, no one ever thought of it as harassment or abuse. It’s always about getting the best performance out of every single dancer. Teachers, directors, ballet masters,

Unfortunately, 45's base is laughing at this. They are saying “yeah, he put that c#$t in her place!” My friends in western EU are all amazed that I haven’t left the USA yet. They all say that the USA is the biggest joke and can’t believe that we’re putting up with this guy.

You and me have the same problem — as do so many of us. We need to know yet can’t handle much more as our brains are exploding. I tend to keep looking at the media in the fear that he just set off WWIII or declared nuclear war on NK. Could someone either remove his phone or medicate him??????? Am referring to 45.

Only if the charges are a bargaining chip, i.e., if you resign and go away we won’t be hauling your butt to prison for the rest of your life along with your family.

It’s nice to dream folks, but nothing is going to happen just yet. Even the teflon Don [Gatti] took time for anything to stick.

Well, there was that page scandal that included Barney Frank years ago. Caused him to come out of the closet long after many Bostonians already knew. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve always liked Barney because he doesn’t hold back. He infuriated many people in Congress over that.

Oh, if only he would ...

From what I recall, he had issues with alcohol consumption and has since quite. He looks good. Not crazy about the close cropped hair but he looks good.

I hope it wasn’t meant as a derogatory statement. Perhaps it’s more ironic (with no disrespect to being gay) in that 45 and his Republican cohorts are soooooo anti-gay, les, trans, etc. Unfortunately, if Jared is gay, it will be used against him by 45 if this scenario. Gay friends of mine have commented also that

You nailed it. Think about all the evangelical stories that have been reported in just the last 30 years where they preached about the sanctity of marriage, et al. Then, we learned about all their multiple affairs. Somehow “sanctity of marriage” and “multiple affairs” are the same thing ... 

What you said. Thank you. You rock.

With all these women coming forward, it’s going to cause 45 to say, “Hey, the democrats do it too!” And no one will take his tape seriously anymore. That’s my fear. My head exploded this morning when I saw a story on CNN’s site about a Trump voter said they would believe him over Jesus. I don’t know how much more we

I thought I read yesterday that it was claimed the oil didn’t leak any where or was going to cause damage to the surrounding area including animals. So where in the fuck did 210,000 gallons go if it didn’t leak into the environment getting ready to pollute and kill wildlife and nature? Huh????

As I’ve said repeatedly, this type of behavior has been going on forever.

Wow. Never thought of that. Perhaps it’s all a set up to get 45? If only that was true.

Yeah and now it’s lion heads too. I truly hate “big game hunting” for sport.