
Seems like a good plan but unfortunately women do it too. Perhaps not as frequently but that might be because there are fewer women with that kind of power. A male atty told me that in his last firm he was groped by a powerful female partner. Why? Because she thought she could.

It’s also upsetting because he’s been the best so far at nailing Sessions’ hide to the wall. [sigh]

Yes this news is upsetting as I thought he would be a good candidate to run in 2020. This type of behavior has been going on so long that the ones who do the groping don’t think it’s wrong. Perhaps it’s time we develop robots who don’t grope or harass because humans will continue. I’m almost at the point of giving up.

I heard about this last week. We are getting dumber and dumber. I’ve generally had a high opinion of federal court judges (not all of them). If he passes the senate, there will be more like him in the future. The only saving grace is that at some point he will commit a crime that will get him removed from the federal

From your lips ... I hope he’ll be in prison but somehow I think that in the end he won’t be but others will.

And there is a good chance that due to what she experienced as a 14-year old those incidents DID affect how she accumulated problems with finances and divorce as an adult. Adults who abuse children only think of their own gratification and not how that abuse will affect that child as they become adults. It’s a reality

I think that one of the reasons a lot of the male repubs would love to have women lose rights including the right to vote as they could continue their bad behavior as much as they want, similar to 100 years ago.

Yeah I believe he did it. I was a 14-year old once too and when I think back to things that happened, it’s astounding that it never stops nor will it ever. Oh, I reported an incident to an adult female and all she did was laugh and so, ‘oh, dear.’ And the behavior continued in various forms for years to come. I hope

That’s it in a nutshell. Too disruptive. Meanwhile, when 45 is no longer president, I wonder if he will get asked to serve on a jury in NYC.


Noticed that several weeks ago. He’s also not as orange. Looking a bit pasty.

If he was alive today, you betcha he would. Read some of his bios. Real eye openers. He admitted that he was bi, but some of the deviant behavior was quite horrible especially when he was in France.

All this about Spacey really pisses me off about him. I’ve been a fan of his acting career a long time and had great admiration for his abilities, including his stint in London. That has now all gone away. In a lot of ways I’m not surprised this occurred. When I was the same age of those he’s groped, I had to endure

Out of all that I know, only one is a very solid person. Let’s see the others: one is a scam artist trying to bilk $$ out of foreign doctors but passes himself off as an expert in importing goods/services to USA, another one is a convicted felon who stole property from ND while in school and then sold it to

That is so true. However, you would think that the moron in chief and his staff would also look at it as a wake up call that yes, it’s possible for a Twitter employee (not disgruntled but generally pissed off at 45) to take over the account in question and cause major changes, like tweeting, “I love LBGT people; we

I work with a slew of ND grads, undergrad and law, and quite frankly they are not impressive as humans. This is not a big surprise that ND is doing this. They want to believe they are so mighty but the truth is they are not. I hope this means that any of the good female staff and professors leave. Oh, wait. that’s

OMG - he completely missed the girl’s point of having the lights on. Obviously, Perry may have his light on but no one is home. Hey, anybody got any good Russian dirt on this guy? He needs to go away. Real fast.

I was just about to write something like that, i.e., Chinese, but has horrible English penmanship.

Something tells me that Papadapoulous is not on the “pardon” list.

Do you think he was involved? I don’t think so. I think all he did was lie in the press conferences because there was a gun pointed at his head if he didn’t. Perhaps I’m wrong.