
Yeah, that struck me too! I doubt she went into the meeting.

Smiling knowingly that he’s met with the idiot-in-chief for the USA and he doesn’t have to do much of anything except watch the idiot continue to make a bigger fool of himself. Trump doesn’t play chess, does he? Putin is a master.

That’s exactly it. When Trump went and patted Putin on the back, I knew it was not met well by Putin but Putin will not show his true colors yet. He’s a much smarter guy than Trump will ever be.

What is the chance that these worms infiltrate the grounds, food supplies, etc. at Mar-A-Lago? Wouldn’t that be a win win?

Yes, I hope she will.

A bit wordy but it certainly gets the point across.

I don’t care if he is president — I just wish someone would say out loud to him “that’s inappropriate” after he makes a remark to a woman. Unfortunately, women are so taken by surprise that no one utters it at the time of the offense. And the fact that he called her by her first name can also be construed as

Uh, remember when health care thru one’s employer was affordable? Not so much anymore and it’s about to get much more expensive.

I work in a law firm which you would think would be conservative. There are two people (who one likes to mimic the other) who have all their emails in bold. When I’m the receiver, it always looks like they’re screaming. Then there are those that have their emails default to something like Arial Bold 18 pt. Now

Not just heart attacks. Remember Papa Joe Kennedy? Stroke that left him at the mercy of others for a number of years. That’s would be rather cathartic. He would be cognizant of his surroundings but unable to speak or move. Now that’s what I call karma.

Good analogy

I beg to differ. He knew and kind of spilled it during one of the debates. He doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut. Hillary nailed it when she called him a puppet.

I think that most theatergoers in Chicago know enough NOT to believe anything that Weiss writes. Theatre critics in Chicago have historically been a problem. I remember when I was very very young a well known dance critic for the Sun-Times wrote about how rude Rudolph Nureyev was to her and she tried to interview

Bravo. You’re not an asshole. Karma IS a bitch. Ironically, because the shooter was white no one is screaming terrorism. Reporting that it’s political should make them in DC wake up. But, we know they won’t.

I would love to see her get interviewed by Rachel Maddow. Of course, Rachel would have to tie Ivanka to her chair so she wouldn’t get up and run away which is what she does when interviews don’t go her way.

Don’t forget. She’s had lots of plastic surgery.

Or, the total opposite could happen. I know. It’s a pipedream. But what if he is so disgusted by his own family and father that he goes in the complete and opposite direction which will inflame his family and especially his father and end up being a true hero of the people. Right. That’ll never happen.

I am so sick and tired of the “innocence” plea because they didn’t know any better or were ill-informed. No. I see way too many instances of this happening including at my job. This is going to sound sexist and perhaps it is. If a woman pleads the same innocence, a woman is verbally and harshly reprimanded and

You’re a good person. You tried to help. I hit my head against walls virtually everyday because people are stupid about a lot of things, including their dogs. I see dogs everyday in the City of Chicago off their leashes and I stop and kindly remind the owner that there is a leash law in the City. They laugh and

He thinks he’s emperor of the USA or at least king (if not czar). He has no comprehension that we do have a system of checks and balances to prevent him from causing the chaos he chooses to cause.