
This is his base voter.

Please don’t disparage donkeys. They are much brighter, intelligent, etc. than that thing currently in the WH.

Yes, it’s a very arrogant and disgusting pose. I believe he also does it to hide his flabby turkey neck.

All of this news is wonderful but nothing is going to happen because there are too many Republicans in Congress. I wish it wasn’t true, but it is. Yes, it may eventually cause the Cheeto to have heart failure but then we get another wacko who will cause a lot of harm. We need to be patient. 2018 is just around the

And what has she done about bullying? Absolutely nothing. What will she do in the future? Most likely, absolutely nothing.

I agree with you to some extent. Yes, she signed on to this monster and has repeatedly supported him. But I don’t feel sorry for Barron. I don’t feel anything for him. Didn’t he just recently get his entire class to travel to DC and tour the White House on our dime? He’s a cheeto in training. Just like his older

Oh, I think he was. Most certainly he would not “coax her back on the carpet.” He was reaching for her hand and she wasn’t having any part of it. Neither would I. same goes for millions and millions of other women.

Gee, do you think that the lead person of his security team would instruct the team to incapacitate our president if he was about to do something really stupid like press the button? Hope so. But I doubt they would step in to stop him in the event he just makes a fool out of himself like he does every day in the USA.

You make a strong point. Too bad they can’t all get removed, including Ryan, et al.

Isn’t that where Michael Jackson hid due to all the child molestation accusations? Donnie should stay in Arabia. He will be much happier.

The whole scenario with minimum wage is a disaster to those trying to survive on it. But there’s another aspect that gets ignored. Living in Chicago, I can walk just two blocks and am assaulted by an average of 10 people alleging to be homeless and need money. Some of them are real. Some are not. Many of the

He will fit right in with they rest of the circus team.

Hoping it’s sooner rather than later.

There has got to be somebody, like Deep Throat, who has to take this administration down. Perhaps there already is, but they are being slow in their delivery. With all the ways that one can hide their identity electronically, someone (or a group) have got to step up to the plate and save us from all this madness.

As much as I would like to think that he could spill, he’s most likely under a gag order because the info is classified. However, once the info is declassified, he can go into high gear and say what he wants. He’ll probably start writing a book and it will be ready for publication when the info is declassified or

I’m trying very hard to be optimistic. During the Vietnam war, there were demonstrations upon demonstrations. Very loud and in many cases, violent. Draft cards were burned. Lies about the American losses of our soldiers. Somehow, we got through it. We as Americans have to stand up to the current political regime

What a doofus president we have. For months his mantra was jail crooked Hillary. Then when he was elected he said that no one was going after Hillary including him. Now, this BS?

Bet the cheeto is too.

Right. She’s as inept as Jared on this subject. But they will solve the opioid problem by having it completely removed from the pharma listing for health insurance. That will solve it, right Kellyanne?

The unfortunate part of all this is she will once again reap rewards that are bogus. There are a lot of women out there (not me) who are mesmerized by her and her success. Hey, all she did before being daddy’s adviser was knock off designer clothing/shoes and slapped her name on it. It’s not rocket science.