
Well said. They have no clue about what’s going on in their own country let alone the world. There are valuable lessons to be learned from their various exploits but they’re not paying attention.

Naw, that wouldn’t work. He would tell everyone he would but let’s face it, he’s proven he’s not capable.

As good as it sounds, USA will not go for a single payer health care plan. The insurance companies rule and no one in congress would ever step on the insurers’ toes. Until health care insurers are dealt with, nothing will change.

Pure speculation on my part but maybe once Trump got sort of elected, Obama knew what the fallout was going to be (smiling like a Cheshire cat all the while). Thus, his seclusion off in Tahiti may be more than just writing a book. He’s sitting back and laughing out loud. And, at some point, he’s going to get called

That’s what I’m concerned about too. Flynn’s flipping just to distract. Won’t actually give any info.

Has anyone been checking the chimneys at the WH? Somehow I have visions of all night document destruction happening. Does anyone think that Trump got any sleep last night? Doubtful.

Well that should make the fool in the WH very happy.

This whole thing of “unpaid” is really troublesome. To the voters it looks like the family is really into helping out the people. But to those of us who dig for info, know that it’s a vehicle for them to reap greater $$. Insanity.

Ran across a very interesting article on another site. Hope it’s okay to post it here. This is a real eye opener. Remember Daniel Ellsberg? He’s associated with the investigative team that put this together. Don’t know how much is reliable info, but if it is, we are in for quite a disaster.

I really miss Obama.

Very on point. But one of the ways The Jared can show how to save money is either outsource a lot of the jobs or hire unpaid interns. We are so doomed.

Let’s see. The Jared and the Cheeto along with their “team of failures” will quickly determine that the House of Representatives is middle management and not necessary in the scheme of things, i.e., the restructuring of the USA. You see, there are more of them than senators. The senators are like vice presidents of

Interestingly, CNN posted that tax reform is next on the Trump/Ryan agenda. Two for two?

and don’t forget all the people that would no longer have coverage for mental health issues and meds who would stalk him day and night until they finally tore his tiny little hands from his body ...

Doesn’t this also negate the tax bill they want to spew forth?

Just wait. It’s just a matter of time before this one is caught in a compromising position that is against his “religious” leanings and he will be forced to admit his “sins” that have been ongoing since he was a teenager. Along with another one who is caught stealing from his campaign funds to pay for his

So we will end up a little like North Korea. Just read an elevator blurb that over 40% of North Korea population is undernourished.

You may have hit the nail on the head with welfare. After all this crap goes down and we no longer have substantive affordable healthcare available, Medicaid is cut, the Trump budget is passed, they will start going after welfare recipients. They’ve been wanting to do it for a long time now. It’s probably on the

Yeah, sounds like the very young girls I see on the commute home on the bus where every other words is “like”

Actually, he didn’t. He had more bankruptcies than any other business. And, he never had to deal with shareholders. Perhaps if he had, he would have learned about compromise and success. Browbeating his people into submission does not a successful business person make.