
As people get older, they generally get wiser. Mostly because of life experience and they become avid readers. Even their speech habits become more intelligent sounding. Trump isn’t there yet. Not now. Not ever. Yes, we are being governed by an unexperienced adolescent who does not have the ability or aptitude

He looks more mature because he’s been held back year after year after year after year ...

Remember during the campaign how frequently Trump said the election was being rigged? Yes, it was rigged. In his favor and we didn’t listen.

Given that all the polls said he was going to lose the election and didn’t, I’m very skeptical of today’s vote on the healthcare bill. Trumpcare could actually pass. I have no faith in our democracy anymore.

Short answer. It won’t matter to Repub congress nor will it matter to his support base. They will call it fake news and continue to kiss his feet.

He might get impeached but most likely not removed from office by congress. And, as much as I hate to say it, he won’t go to jail. Even though there have been other politicians (Illinois pols) that have served time or are still serving, he will leave the USA before that would happen. He’ll be right at home at some

Yep, that’s it. Merde. Started at the Paris Opera.

I thought those were Trump’s words that he uttered repeatedly before he denied knowing him

How soon can we send POTUS and his cohorts on a mission? Next week? Not soon enough.

You have my deepest sympathies. I’m in Chicago, a place that has a very soft spot in cheeto’s heart. I love it when I see various groups marching on to the Chicago Trump tower. It messes up traffic but it’s for a good cause.

I’m sure there’s more to come. As much as we all want the new cabal to get their comeuppance sooner rather than later, it is going to happen. The ol’ proverb of the longer you wait the sweeter the revenge is going to continue to be my motto of the current POTUS and his cabal.

Like the boy who cried wolf. Yes. I see it coming.

Could someone please tell the bozos in the WH that the only wire tapping was on the other people they spoke with, i.e., mob connections, Russian agents, and who knows who else. The WH bozos just happened to be speaking to the wrong people and got caught. [head exploding]

Sean will implode in the near future. No one can spew the kind of sewage that he does and not feel an iota of self-loathing. Before he implodes, he will either become an alcoholic or serious drug user. Perhaps he’s already there.

Both the Cheeto and Roger Stone were “educated” (used quotes a la Cheeto) by Roy Cohn. Regardless of the evidence, deny everything. Put a spin on it. If you never admit wrongdoing, you can never be blamed for anything. Well, the Cheeto just cost the taxpayers a lot of $$ because he Tweeted garbage and wanted

Someone needs to tell Kellyanne that her microwave has been spying on her and is ready to spill its knowledge to the world. And, there are hidden cameras and recording equipment all over the White House and Mar-a-Lago recording everyone’s conversations and activities. It’s not pretty.

Yes, I think we understand. But Kellyanne is probably not leaning that way. She’s a believer that it’s the micro ovens that are doing it. (She gives blondes a really bad image.)

Oh, Kellyanne. You poor soul. I can’t believe you actually think we are that gullible. Oh. Wait. You do. And so do your fearless leader’s followers.

Right! Talk to any doctor. Xanax scripts are at an all time high (no pun intended).

Will be tricky as T’s counsel will move to quash, aggressively defend against motions to compel, and might even endure sanctions. The only way those tax returns will be turned over in discovery is via protective order and will most likely be heavily redacted. I’m of the belief that congress has a better chance of