
The Statue of Liberty is weeping.

His supporters will never believe it. His supporters would not ever think that what is published in non-Fox news would remotely ever be true. His supporters for the most part aren’t interested in anything dealing with the truth. It’s easier to listen to him lie and it takes less energy.

This new presidency is going in the direction of the Roman gladiator days. Crowds cheering at the brutality ...

So when did the Donald become British? “Aeroplane” is generally the British form of the more American “airplane.” Doesn’t that sort of defeat the make America great again yet again?

And this guy hasn’t yet been tapped by the Trump team to serve in some capacity?!!

Like when Nixon “resigned”, you won’t have Tricky Dicky to kick around anymore. Am a strong believer in karma. The Donald will do himself in with no one’s help.

I wonder if the intelligence community will attempt a sting. Tell Trump something that only Trump is informed and watch where the information ends up. Gotcha!

Gosh, I wish I had info. In the ol’ days, I had friends at NBC Nightly News who might have been a good pipeline, but alas, they have either retired or passed away. Darn it.

I just saw an elevator news blurb that Trump is blaming the media via the “illegal leaks” out of the WH for Flynn’s resignation. Right. Sure. That’s the reason.

There’s a good reason why most politicians follow a particular path thru college. Political science, history, etc. before heading to law school. To have gone from a very diplomatic, well-educated, thoughtful, polite president to this pinata head is really hard to take. No wonder everyone around the world is

The explosion is going to be massive.

Playing golf every weekend is not enough exercise. He’s doomed.

Or google it.

Every good retailer changes the lines they carry to keep its customers coming back. Ivanka’s lines are a dime a dozen. Her knock offs are made in countries where hourly labor rates are generally significantly under 1.00USD. Nordstrom is known for changing their lines and will always drop something that doesn’t meet

That’s what I read and I also read that it was a complete flop. Don’t know about her jewelry line. Probably similar.

Then if she’s staying, the City of New York and/or the USA should be sending Donald the daily bill. Let’s face it. He could use it as a tax deduction. Oh, wait. He probably already is but we’ll never know because HE WON’T RELEASE HIS TAX RETURNS

Watched Rachel Maddow after the announcement last night. She had some good stuff on this guy. Sure, he went to Harvard and Oxford, but his mom was the head of the EPA under Reagan. She had a brilliant idea on how to get rid of all the toxic waste that was sitting around all over the USA. She said to ship it all

Except that Australia and I believe New Zealand only issue visitor visas. So bring lots of money with you because unless you can provide them with job skills they desperately need, they won’t let you work there.

Please share once it’s compiled.