
You’re not alone. I hear thru the grapevine that doctors around the country are inundated with patients seeking relief from the add’l stress, depression, and feelings of complete doom due to the new presidency’s directives. I expect myself to follow suit.

Good point. Hopefully congress will have better common sense before anything is implemented.

The Trump Organization was never a public company ergo he didn’t have to answer to anyone within the organization. Seems to be running the USA the same way. Very dangerous.

He and his “team” really have to stop shooting from the hip. Once of these days, he’s going to upset and dismantle something even worse that will devastate the world as we know it resulting in massive nuclear attacks around the globe. We all react. However, the president shouldn’t be doing this. Sure, the Dow

Slightly off topic but still relevant I think. With the overabundance of information coming from Trump and his cohorts, I believe I’ve missed something very important. They go on and on (including his supporters) that they will make America great again. At what point was America not great? Was it 9/11, the Bill

Ahhhh. Callas. What a diva she was, on stage and off. She was in an emotionally unstable relationship with Onassis but she loved him until the end.

Not a lawyer, but if he kicks the bucket, doesn’t the NDA and prenup expire? Ergo, she could write about him and his abusive actions all she wants. However, his offspring would probably sue her and get restraining orders against publication. And, then there could be a strong caveat that even if he’s in his grave,

Several years ago, I met a gentleman who was a nuclear physicist who traveled to Moscow for conferences. He said he was in his hotel room getting ready to take a shower and noticed there was no soap. So, he said out loud, “Gee, it would be nice to have some soap,” and about a minute later, a hotel housekeeper came

Don’t worry. Trump will tweet about it — that America has the best hookers — before the end of the day.

There’s plagiarizing and then there’s plagiarizing but with footnotes. Apparently she didn’t use footnotes where she actually credits the writer she plagiarized from.

Those were not her words and I doubt she knew what she was saying. Yes, she’s married to it but is keeping her distance except for rare appearances.

Thanks. I needed that laugh.

So can Columbia University take away her Ph.D?

All good ideas, but I doubt he actually reads any of the responses. If he did, he would have already had a melt down. He’s under the mistaken impression that he is “loved” by his fellow Americans. If he read the responses, he would learn than he is not. But, he’s very impressed with himself.

I believe you’re right. After all the nuclear talk during the election and we were all fearing him being anywhere near the button and now he’s talking about Russian reducing nuclear armament and he will reduce sanctions? Yeah, he’s all about the boast. A lot of hot air with no substance. Somehow this is

Boy, you got that right. I have a brother-in-law who rants about the election and Trump. Yet, he doesn’t read anything but the local newspaper, paper edition, so he gets his news 24-48 hours after it happens. But he claims “he’s on it” because he also listens and watches the news stations. However, whenever I see

He thinks he’s been elected emperor. What a doofus. Well, if he’s really emperor/king, then does that mean that when we are called before him we bring him things like live chickens for his dinner table???

The other day, it was pouring rain profusely. All I could imagine was, no it wasn’t climate change, it was all the angels in heaven crying, and I’m not even into religion. If there is a god, I don’t know how h/she is allowing this to go on. Everyone I know is imploding.

Yes. She basically said nothing. But, then, that’s kinda her job, i.e., protect her client albeit on private matters. She should not have been speaking at the press conference. She only spoke because he doesn’t have the aptitude (morally or otherwise) to have been able to intelligently put it into normal English.

Please feel free to rant. We need to do it. I do it quietly and bang my head on my desk about two dozen times a day. I keep telling all my business colleagues that we need to brush up on our Russian language skills because in the not too distant future, Russian will be the primary language in this country. I’ve