
Bingo! You nailed it!

I tried to watch it but my brain started to hurt. What an incredibly inarticulate person. Is there like a Berlitz English course he can take to help him communicate properly?

He’s a pathological liar. That’s why there’s no problem as far as he sees it. One day, probably in the not too distant future, it will catch up to him so when he tells the USA that N. Korea has dispatched a nuclear war head upon the USA no one will believe him.

I read that too and was astounded that he was in denial of mocking the reporter. We are all doomed.

He’s compensating to distract everyone from what’s really happening. Kinda like the ol’ magician’s sleight of hand tricks.

It’s part of his distraction method. If you flood the media with stupid tweets about his TV show, then no one will noticed how he’s raping our country.

You’re right. it’s going to be a horrible 4 years. Taking away his Twitter isn’t going to be enough. He has been shooting from the hip for so long that he doesn’t see or care that he is upsetting not just the USA but the entire world. Very egotistical.

I’m not denying that the jail was allegedly culpable. What really turns my stomach is when a parent (or parents) in this kind of a situation end up suing because they realize that even though they’ve been horrible parent(s) there is a strong likelihood that they will make money from their child’s death. It reminds

Wait a minute. I realize that Francis wasn’t pope when Cardinal Bernard Law resigned from Boston and then got moved to Rome. Law retired in 2011 @ the age of 80 and was never prosecuted for allowing hundreds of children to be abused, raped, etc. Nevertheless, Law was and is still culpable for ignoring and/or

Used to be a model. Not a model anymore. I just wish she would stop wearing so much make up and stop her eyes from squinting. Makes her look sinister.

There are no words to describe this thing that said all that. Karma can be a real bitch. Perhaps his words will turn around and bite him in the ass.

I agree with you. Unfortunately, those that are under contract really don’t have a choice unless they want to leave their employer. Being a dancer is a hard job and jobs are not plentiful. Calling in sick and getting a doctor’s note could certainly help those that don’t want to perform at the event. I’m sure there

Well that tells me that once again the people who voted for Trump/Pence never watched any news but for Fox and never read a newspaper. The voters are going to be in for a lot of surprises starting next month.

Somehow, the taxpayers are going to end up paying for all this crap. Already he’s rented out space in the Tower for the secret service and he’s making money from that. He’s probably also making money from us taxpayers for his personal jet. Now, he’s going to turn it around so his personal thug goons, I mean,

Yes, and that was very disturbing. But, as horrible as the Bush years were, I doubt that he will end up being as bad as the current pres-elect.

I don’t know how to respond to all this. Do I say “oh shit” or do I say “awe.” Bottom line? It’s all very disturbing. I would think that West has no chance. But the same was said about the orange marshmallow. And, look what happened. I no longer have any faith in the presidential elections in this country.

You nailed it.

Excuse me, Kelly. If the orange marshmallow wants to use copyrighted music, he has to go through the same channels that every television show, advertising agency, etc. go through. There are licensing fees and authorization. And, tell the orange bozo he also has to pay for it. If he chooses to use the music but

Saw a great news blurb yesterday (CNN or Guardian) about how China is basically telling the USA that we’re not going to get our jobs back for a variety of reasons, mainly because of economics. But, if US manufacturers, like Apple, shut down off shore operations, it actually benefits the Chinese economy because they