
Boy, did you hit the nail on the head with your pigeon description. I work with people like that!

Oh, don’t worry. They’ll see a post on Facebook about how it’s Obama’s fault and slam the media for not focusing on who is really at fault, i.e., Obama. The people on that panel are really pathetic. Who in their right mind believes what they read on someone’s Facebook? I make a point to at least scan numerous

That’s how cults operate — when you’re very vulnerable. They learned it from pimps who do the same thing.

His method of curing disease without health care is pretty simple. Deny health care to the sick, they die, and voila! Disease cured!!

Wait a minute. Is the record sealed? I know that Indiana is a strange state within which to litigate, but I don’t see why the record would be sealed, thus certain portions aren’t available to the general public. However, if I was a taxpayer in Indiana, I would be very pissed off if my tax dollars were paying for

Stop it — what are we, 5-year old children? Okay, the average Trump voter may be, but the rest of us aren’t. He’s going to have a lot of migraines while in office. He needs to stop it.

I’ll give it a try!

There’s a current petition that I got this morning. Appears there is a movement to try to reverse the election. When I signed it this morning, it had accumulated over 2 million signatures. Here’s what it said and the link follows:

From your lips ... but then we do get Pence. I feel really bad for the women of this country who will lose the choice of their reproduction. I feel really bad for all the immigrants that will be deported. I feel really bad for all the new homeless people we will see. I feel really bad for all the struggling

Oh, he will probably force his law firm to absorb the fees/costs. I have a funny feeling that happens a lot with DT and his lawyers — refusing to pay them. If he gets a positive result, he most likely tells them, “you’ll get a lot of mileage out of me winning and you’ll get lots of new clients; if he loses, “it’s

Consider that these remarks were made by Huckabee. That in itself says it all. Just another moron who thinks he’s brilliant.

I was trying to be fair, but I do agree with you.

It’s hard to take her seriously. I’m sure under all that make up and hairspray she’s a decent person, and like any good wife, she’s standing by her husband, right or wrong, mostly wrong. So if the Donald doesn’t win the election, is he going to start tweeting how she let him down because she’s part of the rigging of

Sooooo convenient. Am not disputing that it’s a real illness. But let’s face it. Now? At least this way he doesn’t have to answer any questions from the FBI or press.

If this isn’t a wake up call to get to the polls and vote, I don’t know what is. I just read a recent Newsweek article regarding how during all of his lawsuits, even when instructed by a judge or his counsel not to destroy any materials that pertain to the subject litigation, DT had all paperwork and paper trails

Wait a minute. Wasn’t that point proven already when Geo W was elected twice????

Yes, Misty is 1st with ABT, but Arthur Mitchell was the very very first in American ballet history as the first black dancer who went on to create and direct his own company, The Harlem Ballet. Talk about controversy when he was partnering white girls in the late 50s/60s.

Yes, embarrassing. I also dislike her using the term “ballerina.” The years of hard work, giving up one’s youth for the love of the art of ballet, well, I could go on and on. True, the photoshoot people are more responsible for this, however, since KJ looked so out of character (i.e., really bad feet, bad posture,

You nailed it. Not only does he think his white voters are that dumb, he’s one of them.

I have had the unfortunate opportunity in my youth to experience gropers just like Mr. Trump. They never change. Once a groper, always a groper. It does stop though when the gropee gets older, but not the groper. A lot of times the groper is a person of power or believes they are a person of power and thus believe