Uhhh yes it can. On dragon back they Jon and Danny could be chasing the Night King on dragon back as he heads to Kings Landing, with the Dothraki hoards, Jamie, Brienne and Tyrion on the ground.
Of Michigan’s last two Republican governors, one poisoned a city and it’s STILL difficult to decide which one’s a bigger piece of shit.
“In some ways, they have been able to deal with this better than the ones who’ve been in the spotlight who are still enjoying that moment at times, you know, the awards and recognition.”
Go fuck yourself in your garbage face, you stupid motherfucker.
There are good reasons to not drink much at a work party but giving a shit about the cost to your company is not one of them.
That would be the subspecies of humanoid known as “Walmarticus Wolverinicus”. Particularly prevalent in Downriver, Macomb County, and the meth belt of central Oakland County (and the kluxxer belt of Livingston County)
Point of pedantry: there are about five or six different Michigan accents, but only in the Detroit and Flint/Saginaw/Bay City versions does “accents” sound like “aaayyyyyy-acksents”. The rest of the state may (or may not) be Indiana North but at least they (well, we) don’t sound like fucking Brian Elias for…
Us: The literal, actual devil is right behind you.
Been saying that for twenty years.
Manly should sue this jackass for defamation.
at first I was taken aback by Engler’s use of “abuse by trial lawyers” when talking about the litigation of a horrific sexual abuse case, but then I remembered it was John Engler talking so such a pathetic and egregious use of the term wasn’t actually surprising.
Do you intend to be arguing that people should only be allowed to have feelings and opinions about things they own, or do you just have useless shit brain? It basically has to be one or the other of these.
How disappointing. Unfortunately, this is nothing new in either of the Dakotas (or likely any state w/ a large number of reservations). I am an enrolled member of the Three Affiliated Tribes of North Dakota and an attorney engaged in Federal Indian law. My work takes me to both the Dakotas and the blatant racism in…
To be fair, one could probably find at least ten people willing to march and chant “FUCK TOM BRADY” regardless of the occasion, so in that aspect the reaction was almost restrained.
Highway to the donger zone.
Looks like they are line dancing