
No, actually - Colbert didn't say "it was a joke taken out of context," he said that he wasn't the one who made the tweet at all. And he wasn't. His SUPPORTERS said it was a joke taken out of context, just like many of PA's supporters did so.

And PA's original response was a comic saying "we aren't supporting rape, and

Almost everything you just said can be applied just as easily to the Colbert "controversy." He never apologized for the original joke, and since he's not Asian, he can't comment the way Suey Park could. Does that matter? No, she took the joke out of context, raged at it, and got legions of perpetually outraged

Nope, sorry. You can twist that shit however you want.

People were extremely offensive to him over the comic and attacked him. And he defended himself. To which they felt offended that he dared defend himself. Everything he said was immediately interpreted in the most general and bigoted way possible, when it wasn't.


That isn't true. I was calling game companies, putting posts on Craigslist, offering myself at the most cutthroat rates you'd ever seen. I actually offered my services at BELOW 3 digits an hour (that sounds pompous, but fuck, we're talking about good law work here). I just wanted to be involved in video games so bad,

Just want to say, I'm incredibly jealous of you. I've tried to break into the video game legal industry SO, SO, SO hard - finally had to settle for a completely unrelated field of law because bills. I still fantasize about working for the ESA. =(

Ahaha, I love this comment.

"Oh, how I wish that he would be reasonable and agree with me, rather than join the masses in their stupidity." Get over yourself. Have you considered maybe you're the one wrong on this issue?

In 2 other threads, you claimed that the Parliament voted Pres. Yanukovich out, I responded showing that the vote was unconstitutional as it didn't meet the majority requirement and they went ahead with it anyway, and you never responded.

I'm saying this both because of your "the guy who was installed as the prime

Or waiting until winter was close to invade.

But these mistakes are common. See: the USSR supplying its Arab allies with weaponry that was field tested for wet Europe, NOT sandy Arabia, and the ensuring hilarity during wars against Israel.

I'd just like to point out that this is false.

First, it was the army that wanted the Brownshirts to be put down, because Ernst Rohm was actively pushing for the SA to replace the armed forces. While the SS was extremely supportive of the idea because it wanted to replace the SA, it wasn't done because of a coup

I agree - that was more of a shot against the shit that's said regularly here. Though usually it's said about someone claiming to be Baptist or some shit, so it's accompanied with a round of stars and "yeah fuck Christians."

Why? He isn't saying anything that HUNDREDS of others aren't saying on Gawker media on a daily basis. Anti-religion bias is the new black here.

The only thing I'm against is when they photoshop their models.

People complaining about models because the models are thinner/more attractive/what-have-you than they are is just sour grapes. But when you literally have to take reality into your own hands and alter the truth to create an inhuman lie, that's the line

" a trans woman with ability privilege..."


I love the shit out of this thread. I've tears from laughter.

We disagree on minutiae but that's all. Glad to have the discussion!

Starred for hilarity.

And that marketing has no impact to little boys.

It's not a negative body image? Look again at the doll up top. That looks attainable to you?

The amount of steroids you'd have to inject to get something even close to that isn't a negative to you?

Uhm, yes. Yes it was. He-Man was definitely what every boy should want to grow up to be as a man. His name is HE-MAN. Masculine as all get out.

Was coming here solely to say that. "Malice" in legal terminology isn't the same as "malice" in everyday speech.